Xeon Games Studio 

Privacy Policy


Privacy Policy

Welcome to the privacy policy of Xeon Games Studio.

This security plan has been put together to most likely help those who are concerned about how their "Really Identifiable Information" (PII) is being used online. PII, as defined by US assurance legislation and information security, is data that can be used alone or in combination with other data to identify an individual or to perceive, contact, or see them as such. Please take the time to thoroughly read our security policy so that you may understand how we collect, utilise, protect, and otherwise handle your personally identifiable information as it relates to our website.

Our privacy policy was kept refreshed and posted on Feb 03, 2023. It governs the security terms of our portable applications (explicitly on Google Play), as possessed and worked by  Xeon Games. Any promoted terms not characterised in our privacy policy, have the meaning as indicated in our terms of Service.

Your security is vital to us. In like manner, we have created this policy for you to comprehend how we gather, use, impart and disclose and utilise individual data. We don't utilise any of your personal information straightforwardly. Your data is being utilised by 3rd party Ad networks and SDKs to work on your application experience and work with in-application buys. By Using the application, you consent to the assortment and utilisation of data in accordance with this arrangement

What individual data do we gather from individuals that visit our blog, site or application?

While requesting or enrolling on our site, as fitting, you might be approached to enter your name, email address, telephone number or different subtleties to assist you with your experience.

What use would we make of your data?

When you sign up, buy something, read our newsletter, react to a survey or marketing email, browse the site, or use a particular feature of another site, we may use the information we learn about you in the following ways:

• To customise your experience and to permit us to convey the kind of satisfied and item contributions in which you are generally intrigued.

• To work on our site to more readily serve you.

• To permit us to all the more likely assistance you in answering your client care demands.

• To regulate a challenge, advancement, overview or other site include.

• To request appraisals and audits of administrations or items

How would we safeguard your data?

We use common malware scanning.

Your own information is contained behind got networks and is only accessible by a set number of individuals who have uncommon access privileges to such circumstance, and are expected to keep the information hidden. In addition, all fragile/credit information you supply is encoded through Secure Socket Layer (SSL) development.

We complete a variety of wellbeing endeavours when a client enters, submits, or gets to their information to keep up the security of your own information.

All trades are ready through an entryway provider and are not placed away or dealt with on our labourers.

Whenever do we collect data?

We gather data from you when you register on our site, buy into a bulletin, Use Live Chat or enter data on our site.

Do we use 'treats'?

Indeed. Treats are little records that a website or its specialist organisation moves to your PC's hard drive through your Web program (assuming you permit) that empowers the webpage's or specialist co-op's frameworks to perceive your program and catch and recall specific data. For example, we use treats to help us recall and cycle the things in your shopping basket. They are likewise used to assist us with understanding your inclinations in light of past or current site movement, which empowers us to give you further developed administrations. We additionally use treats to assist us with arranging total information about site traffic and site collaboration so we can offer better site encounters and apparatuses later on.

We use treats to:

• Comprehend and save client's inclinations for future visits.

• Monitor commercials Information

• Accumulate total information about site traffic and site collaborations to offer better site encounters and devices later on. We may likewise utilise believed outsider administrations that track this data for our sake.

You can decide to have your PC caution you each time a treat is being sent, or you can decide to switch off all treats. You do this through your program settings. Since the program is somewhat unique, take a gander at your program's Help Menu to become familiar with the right method for adjusting your treats.

Assuming you switch treats off, it won't influence the client's insight .

Outsider divulgence.

We don't sell, exchange, or any other way move to outside parties your Personally Identifiable Information.

Outsider connections.

We do exclude or offer outsider items or administrations on our site.


Google's publicising prerequisites can be summarised by Google's Advertising Principles. They are set up to give a positive encounter to clients. https://support.google.com/adwordspolicy/reply/1316548?hl=en

We use Google AdSense Advertising on our site.

Google, as an outsider seller, utilises treats to serve advertisements on our site. Google's utilisation of the DART treat empowers it to serve advertisements to our clients in light of past visits to our website and different destinations on the Internet. Clients might quit the utilisation of the DART treat by visiting the Google Ad and Content Network protection strategy.

We have carried out the accompanying:

• Remarketing with Google AdSense

• Socioeconomics and Interests Reporting

We, alongside outsider sellers, for example, Google utilise first-party treats (like the Google Analytics treats) and outsider treats (like the DoubleClick treat) or other outsider identifiers together to arrange information in regards to client communications with advertisement impressions and other promotion administration capacities as they connect with our site.


Clients can set inclinations for how Google publicises to you utilising the Google Ad Settings page. On the other hand, you can quit by visiting the Network Advertising Initiative opt Out page or by utilising the Google Analytics opt Out Browser add on.

California online privacy protection act,

CalEPA is the primary state regulation in the country to require business sites and online administrations to post a protection strategy. The law's range extends well past California to require any individual or organisation in the United States (and possibly the world) that works sites gathering Personally Identifiable Information from California shoppers to post an obvious security strategy on its site expressing precisely the data being gathered and those people or organisations with whom it is being shared. - See more at

: http://consumercal.org/california-online-security insurance act-CalEPA/#sthash.0FdRbT51.dpuf

As per CalEPA, we consent to the accompanying:

Clients can visit our site namelessly.

When this protection strategy is made, we will include a connection to our landing page or as a base, on the principal critical page subsequent to entering our site.

Our Privacy Policy connect incorporates the word 'Protection' and can undoubtedly be found on the page determined previously.

You will be informed of any privacy policy changes:

• On our Privacy Policy Page

Can change your own data:

• By signing in to your record

• By visiting with us or by sending us a help ticket

How does our site deal with Do Not Track signals?

We honour Do Not Track flags and Do Not Track, plant treats, or use publicising when a Do Not Track (DNT) program system is set up.

Does our site permit outsider conduct following?

It's likewise vital to take note of that we don't permit outsider social following

Children Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA).

With regards to the assortment of individual data from youngsters younger than 13 years of age, the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) places guardians in charge. The Federal Trade Commission, United States' buyer assurance organisation, authorises the COPPA Rule, which explains how administrators of sites and online administrations should safeguard kids' security and wellbeing on the web.

We don't explicitly market to kids younger than 13 years of age.

Fair Information Practices.

The Fair Information Practices Principles structure is the foundation of security regulation in the United States and the ideas they incorporate have had a huge impact in the improvement of information assurance regulations all over the planet. Understanding the Fair Information Practice Principles and how they ought to be carried out is basic to conform to the different security regulations that safeguard individual data.

To be in accordance with Fair Information Practices we will make the accompanying responsive move, should an information break happen:

We will inform you through email

• Inside 1 work day

We will inform the clients through in-site warning

• Inside 1 work day

We additionally consent to the Individual Redress Principle which expects that people reserve the privilege to legitimately seek enforceable freedoms against information gatherers and processors who neglect to comply with the law. This rule requires not just that people have enforceable freedoms against information clients, yet additionally that people have a plan of action to courts or government offices to explore or potentially arraign rebelliousness by information processors.


The CAN-SPAM Act is a regulation that sets the guidelines for business email, lays out necessities for business messages, gives beneficiaries the option to have messages halted from being shipped off them, and illuminates intense punishments for infringement.


If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, so contact us xenongames701@gmail.com


Effort 1

A description of an effort and why it matters  

Effort 2

A description of an effort and why it matters  

Effort 3

A description of an effort and why it matters  

Effort 4

A description of an effort and why it matters  



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