ArduPilot supports a wide variety of sensors from many different manufacturers. One clear example of this can be seen in the list of range finders (aka sonars, lidars).This page attempts to explain how sensor drivers are written and integrated into the vehicle code.

On start-up the front-end creates one or more back-ends based either on automatic detection of the sensor (i.e. probing for a response on a known I2C address)or by using the user defined _TYPE params (i.e. RNGFND_TYPE, RNGFND_TYPE2). The front-end maintains pointers to each back-end which are normally held within an array named _drivers[].

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The _read_sample method is registered so that it is called at 1000hz. Note there is no need to take/give semaphores within the _read_sample method because that is done as part of the periodic callback code.

hi, are you facing an initialization issue or are you asking how to initialize the HTS221? To initialize the sensor you could simply set 80h to CTRL_REG1 (20h) (from PD to Normal mode), according to the datasheet, and read the outputs according to it.

but I want to interface the sensor without using BSP just the regular C drivers linked in the first answer, but when I use their example code my program gets stuck on line 153 because the Device ID does not match, I am printing the result and it is 0 so my guess is I am not even communicating with the chip.

Basing myself off the schematic of the Xnucleo I am using (shown below) I am pretty sure the sensor is powered on and on i2c1 ... the proper jumpers are set ... i guess i should probe the sensor later when I get home to see it is indeed powered on, but the (very bloated abstracted) HAL code from the xnucleo files works just fine.. I cannot compile it because it exceeds my linker code size limit.. but I can upload the binary thats how i saw it working... My best guess is that maybe I have not set up i2c exactly how the sensor wants? I am using fast mode 400khz , and everything else default.

I figured out my issue, turns out the the nucelo expansion board I am using routes the pins labeled i2c1 to the i2c1 alternate pin pair. as for the original poster, use the example file given in the github link above, it doesnt use the extra hts221 c and H files it just uses the hts221_reg c and h file. so no need for that obj structure either

I have trouble initializing the HTS221 with the driver provided by CubeMX. The example you provided uses perhaps a previous version of the driver. As one sets in CubeMX I2C1 as the I2C to use, i suppose the MEMS driver inializes I2C1. That initialization is no longer named "MX_I2C1_Init(); but "MX_MEMS_Init();". But that Init function is empty?

I have a few of these devices and they also only show as 'thing". I am installed the latest driver contact MC and re paired the devices multiple times It just will not show up to let me choose the contact driver.

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just for clarification: does this mean using an 8bit monochrome grayscale image sensor is impossible with the RT1176 (OV9281 to be precise, data format is RAW8)? Is this a fundamental limitation of the hardware, or just an issue in the SDK that will be fixed in the future?

I verified with my scope that the camera sensor is streaming data; and I was able to capture the CSI reading registers while debugging my code: please see attached screen shot. However, I am not able to get a full frame buffer CSI interrupt. Again this has to do with the way I initialized the MIPI CSI, could you or some one else help me set thiis up properly, based on the image requirements I stated in my previous email.


I have recently ordered few more of these motion sensor but they are actually different despite look exactly the same. Whilst the Konke driver works with my previous purchase they don't work on my new addition. Anyone got any idea what I can do to resolve this problem please?

what I have noted was that if I changed the driver to something else like the generic motion sensor and change it back to this one then repeat his process couple of time somehow it works. but I have not got it long enough to see what issue it might cause

Works without problems with Konke Zigbee Motion Driver (Version 1.0.2), but...these sensors are cheap for a reason... The cell battery holder is of very low quality! There is a good chance that the battery may not make good contact, if you move it around during the tests... you may need to bend a little the tiny metal parts that make contact to the battery cell, or put something thin between the cell and the plastic cover, to make sure the battery will not pop up accidentally after a slight vibration...

Also, for new sensors - measure the battery voltage / capacity. One of the batteries that came with my two sensors was totally dead, the second battery was almost depleted, although I was able to pair the sensor to the hub. But when the battery capacity is low, strange effects may be observed at the time when the device starts Zigbee transmission and needs power...

Anyone found a solution to get the new devices to work?

My manufacturer is: _tz3000_msl6wxk9

And I have the same problem, device connects but doesn't work.

battery @ 3.11v, checked the connectors and tried 2 different sensors.

The konke just doesn't seem to work on these.

Hope you had this sorted out.

I have got couple of this which they all looked the same but manufacturer are different. I don't know why but I got them to work by re-pairing the device a few times. Switching between the generic Zigbee motion driver and the Konke a few times... and then it works....

why ?? I don't know...

That's the bad thing with all Tuya devices - the manufacturers may change the firmware / the comm. protocol without even letting the resellers know about the change, and they continue selling it as if it was the old product...

@sirkitealot before you put these things back into the junk drawer, can you send me in a PM some logs with Debug option turned on (use any driver that shows some activity )? Remove and re-insert the cell battery at least once during the tests.

I have been using the generic no temp with ones I bought a couple weeks ago. It took a lot of fiddling to get them to work, but they do work, mine says they are _TZ3000_msl6wxk9. I had to start with generic motion, configure, refresh and then switch to generic no temp and all 6 of mine work. Unfortunately, they do get hung on "active" in Hubitat from time to time and require a push of their button but...not sure why that happens. Konke driver would not work at all.

Yeah, I am not a huge fan of these. I have one that gets stuck on active (twice so far this week) and I need to press the button on it to get it unstuck, after hours of the controlled light being on. Feeling I should have spent more money on a better quality sensor....

Well, now I have to really change my opinion on these. I played around a lot with these after reading recommendations for other objects and found that pairing them, removing the battery for a minute, putting the battery back in and pairing them again (without removing them) helped a lot and was even able to load up the Konke driver, which made a huge difference for how they behave and they don't get stuck on "active" anymore. I hope this helps others out.

I checked HP support page and didn't see any driver for this device. I also tried HP Softpaq download manager, and that didn't find anything either. Everything's up to date. So, where can I download a driver for this device?

This topic uses the Sharks Cove development board and an ADXL345 accelerometer as a case study, to help explain the process of installing a sensor driver on a development board. So if you want to perform the tasks presented in this topic, you must first install an operating system on the Sharks Cove. For more information about how to do that, see Download kits and tools for Windows 10, and follow the instructions to install Windows 10.

The accelerometer is attached to the Sharks Cove via the I2C bus. Peripherals that are connected to the I2C bus are enumerated via the Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI). So the sample driver for the accelerometer was developed to support ACPI instead of Plug and Play.

To make the Sharks Cove's ACPI driver aware of the new device (the accelerometer) on the I2C bus, you must add information about the accelerometer to the SSDT on the Sharks Cove. This table describes the hardware resources and interrupt requirements for a hardware platform's devices, including attached peripherals like the accelerometer.

This section shows you how to use the ACPI Source Language (ASL) compiler to retrieve the factory default SSDT for the Sharks Cove, and then review it. You will also learn how to replace the default SSDT with an updated one.

On the Sharks Cove, create a Tools folder in the root directory. Then Attach the flash drive to the Sharks Cove's USB hub, and copy the Asl.exe file to the Tools folder.

Close Notepad. Then enter the following command in the Command prompt window, to rename the ssdt.asl ssdt.asl ssdt-old.aslThen use the dir command to make sure that the file is now listed as ssdt-old.asl.

Perform the following tasks to update the SSDT, and load it to replace the factory default version. The updated SSDT will be stored in a potion of memory called battery-backed RAM. So make sure that the button cell (battery) that came with your Sharks Cove is plugged into its socket.

Verify that the compiled file was successfully created in Step 3 by entering the following command:dir ssdt.amlYou should see the ssdt.aml file listed in the tools directory.

Before you install the sample sensor driver, you must turn on testsigning. Perform the following tasks to turn on testsigning. Perform the following steps to install the sensor driver via Device Manager.

You must connect your sensor to the Sharks Cove before you install the sensor driver. For information about how to modify the ADXL345 accelerometer breakout board from SparkFun, to get it to work with the sample sensor driver, see Prepare your sensor test board. And for information about how to connect the sensor breakout board to the Sharks Cove, see Connect your sensor to the Sharks Cove board. 152ee80cbc

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