Where do you set this value? I tried to set it on xcom app launch option in Steam, tried to add it before the executable in the shortcut link and finally tried "export SDL_AUDIODRIVER=alsa" before lauching Steam. Still crackling with my Sound Blaster X-Fi.

Levels draw from a fixed map pool, with plenty of variation in the layouts and cover opportunities, but what keeps them fresh is the randomised enemy placement. The invasion force can be anywhere, on any mission.

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This sense of tension is manifested in the fact that troops can panic; a 'Will' stat shows how strong-minded each individual is and under extreme pressure anyone can crack. When a soldier panics, he or she performs a random action (which may include shooting an enemy or team-mate) and misses a turn.

XCOM's focus is on single-player, though, and rightly so. One of the best surprises is the scriptwriting (by one Scott Wittbecker): a snappy mixture of military designations, sci-fi jargon and salty battle dialogue. The substantial campaign is challenging enough on Normal, with a big leap in enemy threat and movement on Classic - both of which are enhanced immeasurably by Ironman mode, which removes the temptation to save-cheat. The last difficulty level, Impossible, is aptly named.

There are numerous changes, but the essential one is not one likely to appear on that theoretical comparison list. Where X-COM's turn-based ground missions were hide and seek, an often frightening hunt for murderous lurkers concealing themselves across dense environments, XCOM's are more like a war. Unlike those desperate, chilling hunts across cornfields and through barns in X-COM, in XCOM where the aliens are is rarely in question. Their precise location is unknown and of course ever-changing, but their approximate position tends to be self-evident. They're either already heading towards you, are clearly where the screaming and explosions are, or are turned up in the natural passage of your soldiers moving forwards, making the issue of the day how to get close enough to them to take them out without getting turned into thin red paste wearing a shocked expression.

It's a game about slowly moving your frontline forwards, meticulously ordering a squad of six1 from cover to cover and making a stream of tactical decisions in order to overcome an enemy that always, always outnumbers them. You're directing a SWAT team that needs to stick relatively close together (not too close mind, unless watching a grenade liquidate four people at once turns you on), carefully clean out an area and move on, not the spread-out search and destroy agents of 1993. It's faster and more furious than its 90s ancestor, but it is no less strategic for it.

Any skirmish is a matter of man-management, tough decisions about whether to take the shots more likely hit to but less likely to kill, or to focus riskier fire on the most dangerous enemy, to creep closer to increase accuracy but putting your guy at greater risk, to try and save a downed colleague under a hail of green fire before they bleed out3, maybe to walk right up to an alien in the hope they can be stunned and captured alive4. Every move is a gamble. Every decision is critical. Your soldiers will miss more than they hit5, because they are merely frail, weak, terrified humans in a world whose technology and danger has suddenly increased a thousandfold, and each time they miss feels like the end of the world. Someone's probably going to die now, and it's entirely your fault (even though that soldier was the idiot who couldn't shoot straight at something not 10 feet away).

Where, in X-COM, a high-ranking soldier largely meant simply better stats, here it also6 means more Abilities - abilities which drastically alter the shape of the battle. Assault's run and gun, which allows shooting or going into overwatch after two moves rather than one, is essential for getting a shot in before the enemy does, a Support that carries three medkits rather than one is pretty much the most important unit in the field, a Sniper's crit-causing headshot will often one-shot armoured enemies and a Heavy who can take two shots per turn is often the only way to take out a Bezerker before it bearhugs one of your guys to death.

A Support soldier's area of effect-upgraded smoke grenades become a way to more safely move a group of soldiers in closer to a deadly Cyberdisc or Sectopod, an Assault soldier's ability to take a free reaction shot whenever an enemy closes within four tiles becomes a reason to knowingly put him in danger so you can exploit it and, most of all, the late-game psychic abilities provide the foundation for new combinations of attack. I don't want to spoil all the surprises there, but suffice to say any Professor Xes you have on staff are game-changers. As are the Professor Xes the enemy increasingly fields. What were your most effective, most treasured soldiers suddenly become huge risk factors.

I do, though, really miss free aim, which seems to me to be a sacrifice made for a console-friendly, jump to target interface. It's frustrating to not be able to get to an obscured alien even though you know full well the lizard-skinned bastard is crouching right behind a destructible bit of wall, or later on to not make your guys target an enemy you've mind-controlled, while the harsh8 limitations on grenades and rockets can leave me with the dull, intangible ache of a phantom limb. But these gripes are safely in the territory of "that's a shame," not "no sale".

Then there's the lack of setpiece events, compared to the original. Your base doesn't get invaded, you only invade one alien base, you don't go to Mars... Making up for this significantly is more variety in the general missions, such as bomb defusal and rescuing named NPCs, plus of course the Terror Missions that involve trying to evacuate as many civilians as possible even as the enemy aims its most fearsome beasties at your guys. I keep trying not to too constantly compare XCOM to X-COM, but it does follow so many of the same beats in terms of the event structure that these omissions were impossible not to notice, or indeed miss.

2 Scenery destruction depends somewhat on the gun used. The entry-level, bullet-based weapons don't do much damage to non-organic matter, but by the time you're up to plasma weapons you can expect to see rocks and walls disintegrate. However, there is no free aim for weapons other than rocket launchers and grenades, so you cannot deliberately target specific parts of the environment in the hope of making a sheltering enemy more visible. As such, scenery destruction happens only when a shot misses, and even then only occasion. This does frustrate me, as I'd love to, say, have a Heavy remove a section of wall to open up a clear line of sight for a Sniper ally. I suspect free-aim will be the most called-for mod/patch, and I hope someone makes it happen. Between your guys and the aliens, however, rest assured that every mission will see loads of devastation.

5 My preferred sniper would for some reason almost always miss a shot with 95% hit chance. This made me very cross indeed. But when, in the late game, with her plasma sniper rifle and upgraded SCOPE, she did hit with the sniper-standard Headshot ability, it would usually crit and thus insta-kill - activating her upgrade that then allowed her to take a second shot. Sometimes, this would roll to a third. She became incredible at thinning enemy ranks without having even left her starting position. Just so long as that first shot hit.

TIP: When going for this achievement, it is a good idea to select your base location as South America, as this will mean all interrogations and autopsies are completed instantly.

Also try and capture each alien as soon as they start to appear on missions, as waiting until later levels can be difficult when attempting to capture several at once. Aliens like Sectoids and Thin Men become less frequent on later missions. When capturing tougher enemies, rely on your veteran soldiers, as you will most likely take a few hits and this will mean instant death for rookies. Also be sure to upgrade your Arc Thrower in the foundry when the upgrade becomes available later in the game. This will mean you can stun an enemy without having to wear down its health first.

This can only be achieved while wearing the Archangel armor, which is unlocked later in the game. The easiest class to use for this is the sniper with the headshot ability, as this will give you the greatest chance to kill an enemy without getting too close.

TIP: You may want to make a save at the start of the previous round before attempting this achievement in case the shot misses.

Before attempting this, you will need to research/build medikits and equip at least five when on the load out screen. It is highly recommended you use a Support soldier with the 'Field Medic' perk as this will alow a single medikit to be used three times instead of once

The easiest way a soldier can become poisoned is by a Thin Man so it is a good idea to attempt this in an early objective based mission. (The Thin Men seem to be the main enemy in these missions.) There are two ways to be poisoned, either have a Thin Man spit poison at you or after you have killed one, move your soldier into the poison cloud it leaves behind.

Once a soldier becomes poisoned it must be treated by a soldier carrying a medikit. Just be sure that the soldier running into the cloud can't be carrying a medikit as this will make them immune. When five soldiers have been cured of poison, the achievement will unlock.

TIP: An easier method to achieve this is to try and isolate a Thin Man and have at least five of your soldiers close by. Have your first soldier move in close and make the kill. Once the Thin Man is dead and has left behind a cloud of poison, move each member within the cloud. On your next turn, set about curing everyone. Be sure to make a save before attempting this as it may take several tries. 17dc91bb1f

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