Yes. Even after July 2024, you will still be able to play games and connect with friends through multiplayer on the games you purchased, as long as the publisher still supports the online servers. You can still save your games and progress to the cloud, and if you choose to continue any of those available games on Xbox One or Xbox Series X|S, those cloud saves will transfer over.

Is anyone else having this issue with the xboxone version? Once I reach space and shut down my engines they will not restart (if I use time acceleration). It seems to happen if I throttle them down to zero as well, if I use time acceleration. Like for example if I am headed to the Mun and throttle down my engine, once I try to start a retro burn to enter orbit of Mun, my engine will not restart if I had shut them down earlier, or throttle back up if I use time acceleration. Is this a bug or am I doing something incorrectly? They seem to restart or throttle back up just fine, if I avoid using time acceleration.

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I'd try doing the transfer without the actual shutdown of the engine, just throttle all the way down to zero, orient the craft to make sure you avoid that electrical re-charge issue that keeps nailing me, and try the time warp to a position and then see if it'll re-light.

It seems to me that I had something similar happen when the staging stack got messed up in the old version, I had to re-adjust the staging stack so I wasn't firing off a de-coupler, then press the restart engine in the pop-up window, then give some throttle and press the 'X' button ( I don't know what the Xbox equiv is) to actually fire the motor ( just like after staging).

No you should still be able to use time warp. What I meant is after warping to the mun etc as long as you then make sure timewarp is back to 1x then your engines should work just fine. I've done multiple mun/minus missions and have also been to Duna and eve and back In career mode.

So you're firing the engines after you've gone out of warp (or at 1x speed), and they don't want to start? You might have enough fuel, but you also need oxidizer. I have an idea: Using the Xbox DVR, record a short video about the problem. Upload it to YouTube, and then send it to the Forums. We'll be able to get a better idea of the issue from that.

Since the latest update, I noticed the fan is taking roughly 30 minutes to stop spinning after I turn off the console, whereas before it used to take no longer than a minute. The console is cool to the touch, so unsure what the deal is.

As of the evening of Aug. 17, fans have composed the following rough list of games and unique SKUs that are still exclusive to the Xbox 360 Marketplace, which will no longer be legally available after the shutdown.

You probably have a short on the 12V rail. There are some circumstances where a bad hard drive can cause power off after a couple seconds, but if the fan isn't even spinning it could be anything from a short on the mosfets, or even a shorted GPU.

EVERYONE! STOP BLOW DRYING YOUR XBOX!! This performs a relflow of the solder underneth the main apu. while this fixes some sytems, they usually only work for a few of days, hours, or even mins! The other problem is that you are not only reflowing the apu, your also reflowing things like the south bridge, and outher chips. This can cause MAJOR problems, and is bad. So dont blow dry your xbox. send it in to microsoft, or, take it to your local game console repair shop.

Thank you!! Had given up on all options but gave the cold blow dryer trick a chance. Used the cold blow dryer on all vents for 40-50 seconds and connected the Xbox to power after 5 minutes. Booted up like a charm. Thank you again!

The HDD is on the same power line as the HDMI Port, so if the HDD has failed the Xbox will not remain on and will give no dispaly. My issue was that the xbox turned on for a few seconds, I had no display, then it just turned off again. After replacing the HDD it tuned on directly to the system error screen as I did not have the OS installed on the new HDD. Hopefully that works for some of you.

Power supply was not the issue since i bought a new one because i thought mine was busted because the green led was not turning on, so I thought the psu died, but after all this I now know it is only the led, the orange led turned on when connecting it to an outlet and if shorted the red one would come on.

I returned that psu confident that the problem was the motherboard, maybe a reballing was needed or a simple reflow as many sugested here (that is what you do with the blowdrier on high heat) but, before trying a reflow or reballing, always exhaust your options first, so, when i read that the hdmi and hdd were on the same power rail I was like hmmmm, tried unplugging the hdd but if no hdd is detected, same thing happens, so, probably this hdd died and prevented the console from turning on. Then, I just popped in an ssd (probably could have plugged ANY working hdd or ssd and would have had the same thing) and the error code showed, but at least i have a picture now and know i have a working chip and in general motherboard (probably) now i only need to load on some disk the OS and boom, bob's your uncle. And, to be extra clear, my xbox is the first gen xbox one, the one with the external psu.

I had this issue too. Would turn on my xbox one S the fan would kick on then a few seconds later it would power down. My unit was way past warranty so I decided to look into repairing it myself. After watching about 2 hour worth of xbox dismantle and possible repair videos I felt confident enough to take a look inside. A few specialty tools are required and definately a decent level of patience. I completely dismantled the unit into all of its pieces. Dusted everything with canned air. Inspected for any obvious burnt out pieces or components. What I found was the heat sync had dried out the thermal paste between the two units. After cleaning the old paste off, reapplying new, and then reassembling. My xbox has worked for three months now with no issues. The most helpful video I found was (Xbox One S Disassembly and Replacing Thermal 2016) by Geek Sauce or (Xbox One S Detailed Assembly - Replacing Thermal Paste) by TronicsFix. These videos offer helpful tips on dismantle and cleaning components. Hope this helps someone else out there. It was hard to find an answer outside of turn it off then back on or try a hair dryer non-sense.

What,replace thermal compound? It's easier than you think.Hardest part is popping the x clamp without slipping but I've done it tons of time and I'm not even a repair tech.Even did it this morning to no avail.Something is up with this xbox.

i am facing some issue agaonst my xbox on s when i trun on my xbox one s its fan work properly but trun off its self with in secand i open my xbox no dust found in my xbox and check all jeck but still prob.

My xbox one began turning off within a couple minutes everytime. Luckily for me I suppose, when I would turn it back on, it said the system had to shut down to prevent from over heating. Although I had plenty of ventilation and keep my vents clean, at least the box was telling me what the problem was. I then determined the fan was still working fine while the xbox was on, so I took the next logical approach and replaced the thermal paste from atop my hot ass cpu. This is basically at the heart of your xbox, you will have to disassemble it basically all the way down, but there are probably hundreds of video walkthroughs on how to do it. ->continued on next comment...

I found a short video, and fixed my Xbo-One within an hour because I was unfamiliar with the internal components. You need 2 different size pentalobe screwdrivers for this job, and maybe a phillips I forget. I ordered the pentalobes in a set on internet for like 10 dollar. The thermal paste is even cheaper. And thats how I stopped my xbox from turning off every minute.

All that sh;;*t I just said is more important than Fuc***uck. But for those of you who actually held a blowdryer on high to your xbox series 360, you guys could probably read all that everything I just typed, hella times over. Meanwhile, turning in the grave are the lords Windows 98, MS DOS, Space Cadet Pinball etc Billy Gates Himself.

Here's tough one... My 1 y/o Xbox One S Battlefield Edition started to act up. It will go to green Startup screen, and then it turns off after 30 seconds from the time I power up. I have tried many things such as a different power cord. I took it apart and dusted every component without removing metal grating for the fan, that component I dusted without removing because of the thermal adhesive. I'm really at a loss and cannot figure this out. Any help out there?

This has happened since launch occasionally but today was extremely bad. 

My Series x either completely shut down or went back to the dashboard after freezing during matches in BF 2042 (5) times today.

So this xbox was turning on just fine but it got no signal other than I once got a brief very distorted picture while checking it. I started with replacing the HDMI port, but after replacing that when I went to check it, it turns off after a couple of seconds. The fan does not even attempt to start up. I tried different fans that I know are working and none of them start up. I also tried working power supplies and HDs but no difference. Could this possibly be the retimer chip, or am I looking at a lost cause? e24fc04721

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