Thank you for your response. I think I have to use xampp to install Slim Framework on Windows. Can I do that with Mamp? I also have Mamp pro. In the tutorial video, the teacher of Wordpress development was using both Mamp and Xampp. -wordpress-development/local-wordpress-development/installing-a-local-web-server-on-a-pcDo I need both of them to create a wordpress site?

Ran into the same problem installing Prestashop 1.5 using xampp on windows 7. I discovered that the listed files and folders were missing in the copy of prestashop folder i copied to the htdoc. What i did was to delete the prestashop folder from the htdoc foldr (inside the xampp folder), recopied the unzipped folder into htdoc.

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I haven't a Mac under hand... but I would say that you have a port trouble... probably be sure of the port use by Xampp first and check if there isn't any collision with an other app first... then if it is the case changing the xampp port could be a way to go...

You were correct that I did not have the testing server set to PHP/MySQL, but correcting that did not solve it. 

So I started from scratch and set up a new check_php site on /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/check_php

Thank You for sharing such a great information with us. If you really want to run your wordpress website in smooth environment then setup wordpress on localhost using XAMPP as it is the best solution you have. It gives you an option to play with themes and plugins as well. While researching to work on localhost using xampp i have found two great resources through which anyone can easily learn to work on localhost.

I have been using xampp for a long time and first time when I installed it , it was for running php code.

I have also used it for wordpress local environment for understanding and developing websites locally.

one thing that has bother me regarding wordpress installation is username and password.

why we keep user as root and password blank?

this is not the case for live servers though?

Installation for Windows is very simple. You can use the XAMPP installer executable (for example, xampp-windows-x64-7.4.4-0-VC15-installer.exe). Detailed installation instructions for Windows are available here.

For Windows, it is recommended that you install XAMPP in c:\xampp (not in c:\program files). If you do this, your Joomla! (and any other local website folders) will go into the folder c:\xampp\htdocs. (By convention, all web content goes under the htdocs folder.)

If you have multiple HTTP servers (such as IIS) you can change the XAMPP listening port. In xamppDir\apache\conf\httpd.conf, modify the line Listen 80 to Listen [portnumber] (for example: Listen 8080).

Many Mac users have a little difficulty at this stage when trying to set up another instance of Apache on their machine. If you cannot start XAMPP's Apache, you have two options:

Change the listening port of XAMPP. In \Applications\XAMPP\xamppfiles\etc\httpd.conf, modify the Listen 80 line to Listen [portNumber]. For example: Listen 8080

Note: In XAMPP, the configuration files of Apache, MySQL, PHP are located in C:\Program Files\xampp. For any configuration file changes, you need to restart Apache and MySQL.

Security on a localhost may not be a big concern. The recent versions of XAMPP do not set a password for root, the superuser. Go to the file C:\xampp\phpmyadmin\, edit the line $cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = ; For example to: 

I seem to have solved the problem, but in a strange way, so I will post it here in case this helps others.

I asked my university for help in upgrading my symantec, and they sent me a link to their current symantec download. They claimed it would be the version you all recommended. I uninstalled Symantec and re-installed with the new download. I got exactly the same version, judging by the version number.

However, I stopped getting the warnings, even without defining an exception.

My working hypothesis is that I could have avoided the whole mess if I had turned off symantec temporarily before installing xampp.

Edit the php.ini file, it is located at C:\xampp\php\php.ini. It can be edited with Notepad or a similar program. We recommend Notepad++ to avoid issues with line endings. Append at the end of the file:

Depending on your security settings, Windows 7 users will probably have a small window open, asking if you want to allow xampp-control.exe to make modifications to your computer. Click Yes to allow Apache or MySQL to start.

For the sake of example, let's say that the 2 programs in question are xampp.exe and dbserver.exe. What folders do you have them installed to? Something like C:\Program Files\Xampp\Xampp.exe? Or did you install them to the removable drive and have them on a different drive letter like D:\Program Files\Xampp\Xampp.exe?

If xampp.exe is installed on the C: drive, and the data files that it needs are on the D: drive, then when you plug the drive in and D: becomes available, you will need to stop xampp and restart it. Have you done that? 0852c4b9a8

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