Important Dates

  • Workshop submission deadline: Nov 9 2020 Nov 12 2020 (anywhere on earth)

  • Notice of acceptance/rejection: Nov 30 2020

  • Early registration deadline: Dec 18 2020

  • Workshop date: Feb 8 or 9 2021

We invite the submission of papers describing novel research contributions (6 pages plus references), surveys (up to 8 pages plus references) or demonstrations (4 plus references). The submissions must be in PDF format, written in English, and formatted according to the AAAI camera-ready style. All papers will be peer reviewed, single-blinded. is Submitted papers will be assessed based on their novelty, technical quality, potential impact, insightfulness, depth, clarity, and reproducibility. All the papers are required to be submitted via Easychair.

We have no agreements for formal proceedings.
Workshop sponsored by

J.P. Morgan