
The Popular and Democratic Republic of Xahastan was founded on March 29th 2019 as the Nelson Street Empire with Xabier Asensio crowning himself monarch for life. Shortly after the foundation of the state the name was officially changed to the Principality of Xahastan and the first elections were held with the Xahastanian National Party winning the election. The Principality of Xahastan officially opened to tourists on 19th of June 2019 with the "Visit Xahastan Year 2019" campaign.

On the 29th of August 2019 the monarchy announced democratic reforms and the disassemblement of the royal system. The Principality of Xahastan then changed its name to the Free Republic of Xahastan. Shortly after the fail of the monarchy former king Xabier Asensio formed the Peoples Progressive Democratic Revolutionary Council as a political party. On March 15th 2020 the Peoples Progressive Democratic Revolutionary Council lead a coup d'etat against the republic installing the current government. On 1st of february 2020 the government allowed multi party elections to take place.