Conference Speakers

Vivienne Stern - Director of Universities UK International (UUKi)

Professor Malcolm von Schantz (University of Surrey)

Malcolm von Schantz is an internationally recognised researcher and an experienced educator, who received his training in Sweden, the United States, and the UK. After four years of serving in senior leaderships positions as Associate Dean (International) and acting Pro-Vice Chancellor (International Relations), he recently completed a sabbatical at the University of São Paulo Medical School, where he retains a visiting appointment. He has received over £4 million in research funding from public and private sources including MRC, Wellcome Trust, British Heart Foundation, and US Air Force Office of Scientific Research. He currently holds research funding from the BBRSC, the British Council, the Department of Innovation and Skills, and CNPq. His research has been published in high-impact international journals, including Science and the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, and presented both at major scientific conferences and in broadcast, print, and web-based media worldwide. In a multinational project together with colleagues at the University of São Paulo and the University of Chicago, he is studying sleep, circadian rhythms, and their relationships with health in the Baependi cohort, based in a small town in Minas Gerais, Brazil.

Dr Lisiane Meira (University of Surrey)

Dr Meira holds a degree in Biology from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre/Brazil; and PhD in Genetics and Molecular Biology (Curie Institute, Paris/France & UFRGS, Porto Alegre/Brazil). Dr. Meira has worked as Postdoctoral Research Fellow/Instructor, in Texas, US; and developed studies at Harvard School of Public Health/Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She also worked as a research fellow at St. George’s University of London and currently is a Lecturer in DNA Damage and Ageing, University of Surrey.

Dr Carla Faria (University College London)

Dr Faria is a specialist on theoretical strong-field laser-matter interaction, with around 70 publications in peer-reviewed journals, 50 invited talks in research institutions and major international conferences, awards, and around 1200 citations. She has also been involved in the organization of major international conferences, and is a reviewer for most journals in her field. She is a permanent staff member at UCL, where she leads a research group, and has supervised students at all levels. She collaborates with world-leading research groups in several areas, including strong-field and attosecond science, quantum chemistry and mathematical physics. Ongoing collaborations include institutions in Spain, United Kingdom and Germany.

Dr Antonio Carraro (Imperial College London)

Dr. Antonio Carraro is a Senior Lecturer in Experimental Geotechnical Engineering in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Imperial College London. He is a member of the Editorial Panel of Géotechnique and Associate Editor of the Editorial Board of the ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. Dr. Carraro also serves as a member of the ASTM D18 Committee on Soil and Rock. Dr. Carraro earned a PhD in Civil Engineering from Purdue University in the United States and MSc and BSc degrees in Civil Engineering from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) in Brazil. Prior to joining Imperial, Dr. Carraro taught several undergraduate and postgraduate classes in civil and geotechnical engineering at Purdue and Colorado State universities, in the United States. He served as Associate Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Colorado State, and, more recently, in the Centre for Offshore Foundation Systems at The University of Western Australia, in Perth, Australia.

Victor Pedrosa (Imperial College London)

Formado em química e possuo mestrado em física, ambos pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco. Atualmente, no terceiro ano de doutorado em Neurociência Computacional pelo Imperial College London.

Angelica de Freitas e Silva (University of Westminster)

Advogada brasileira com base Londres, especialista em construção. Senior lecturer em Construction Law (graduação e pós-graduação) na FABE-Westminster, promovendo atividades de docência, pesquisa e engajamento acadêmico. Concluiu LLM em International & Commercial Disputes Resolution Law (2015, Hons, Distinction) e é atualmente doutoranda na Law School da Universidade de Westminster. Sua pesquisa é em Direito Internacional e Teoria, propondo uma Metodologia Decolonial para a análise do planejamento energético no Brasil. Em novembro de 2017 organizou uma conferência em International Construction Disputes, que contou com a presença de palestrantes ilustres como Her Honour Frances Kirkham e o Ministro da Embaixada do Brasil em Londres Sidney Romeiro, dentre outros convidados brilhantes (

Thaiane Oliveira (Universidade Federal Fluminense)

Thaiane Oliveira é professora de Estudos de Mídia e do Programa de Pós-graduação em Comunicação da Universidade Federal Fluminense, pesquisando temas relacionados à circulação da comunicação científica e geopolíticas do conhecimento. É coordenadora do Laboratório de Investigação em Ciência, Inovação, Tecnologia e Educação (Cite-Lab), no qual atua em dois grupos de pesquisa: Núcleo de Estudos Estratégicos de Circulação e Políticas Científicas (Neepoc) e Laboratório de Experiências de Engajamento e Transformações da Audiência (Leeta). Coordenadora do Fórum de Periódicos e Cominucação Científica da Pró-reitoria de Pesquisa, Pós-graduação e Inovação (Foco-Proppi/UFF).