Research Topics

Our Lab looks into the design, modeling, and performance analysis of wireless communication systems particularly interested in statistical analysis (especially, ordered statistics), diversity, and adaptive modulation systems, cognitive radio systems, cooperative communication systems, multi-hop communication systems, physical-layer security, (massive) MIMO, RADAR systems, green communications systems and networks, and small cell networks. However, our Lab also likes other advanced/innovation techniques and practical problems for motivation and guidance in performing analyses. Especially, we are now extending the research area, especially with current emphasis on both the physical layer and the implementation aspects of communication/network systems in optical (over free-space and underwater) and acoustic frequency bands including radio frequency band, and the AI-based channel modeling issues (e.g., indoor RF channel and wireless optical channel). Additionally, we are trying to make a significant contribution to the system development and implementation for UltraSDR platform, convergence IoT devices, wireless power transfer including non-radiative wireless energy transmission (i.e., wireless power transfer), and radiative wireless energy transmission (i.e. energy harvesting), and RFID based convergence systems and services.