Divi isn't just a WordPress theme, it's a complete design framework that allows you to design and customize every part of your website from the ground up. You have control over everything down to the finest detail. Create the perfect websites for you and your clients.

Using Divi's Theme Builder, you can create site-wide post and product templates that change the structure of posts across your entire website. You don't need to design each post one at a time with Divi and you don't need to code Child Themes to modify your theme's structure. Everything can be designed in the builder and post information can be displayed automatically using Divi's Dynamic Content system.

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Customize your website with its own overarching design system by editing the default design of any element. When you modify a module's default design, it updates across your whole website at once. Site-wide theme building plus site-wide design editing is the ultimate combo.

Divi is more than a theme, it's a complete web design framework backed by a thriving and enthusiastic community. We believe in extendability and in the cultivation of an open source development ecosystem. That's why we created the Divi developer API, allowing developers to create custom Divi modules and more.

Divi is one of our most powerful WordPress Themes. In fact, nothing else even comes close! Divi is the ultimate all-in-one website building solution for WordPress. It comes with the Divi Builder pre-packaged and wraps it in a fully customizable theme that works perfectly with all builder elements.

Already using a theme on your website? You can install the Divi Plugin and use the builder to create stunning designs within your third party template structure. It works with any theme. Whether you use the Divi Theme or the Divi Builder plugin, everyone can harness the power of Divi's visual builder.

First time working with anything other than WP preloaded themes. I am a very basic beginner, and self taught so it is wonderful to have support at hand as I usually sit all alone and struggle at odd hours of day feeling really dumb. The forums are good because there's a range of people on there too and usually asking my same questions, and I imagine they will even get better as number of users increases. All in all using this has cut my trial and error time before getting up and running waaay shorter. I love how they make recommendations for plugins and then provide those plugins so I don't have to go searching around the world for something that integrates. Really nice to have live people to work with!

I started out not knowing anything about websites but after using Elegant Themes Divi! Not only is the theme easy to create incredible websites, if for any reason you get stumped and need help the support team is the best. Quick to respond and will go above and beyond to assist you with your project. I couldn't be happier that I chose Elegant Themes!!

WordPress Themes live in subdirectories of the WordPress themes directory (wp-content/themes/ by default) which cannot be directly moved using the wp-config.php file. The Theme's subdirectory holds all of the Theme's stylesheet files, template files, and optional functions file (functions.php), JavaScript files, and images. For example, a Theme named "test" would reside in the directory wp-content/themes/test/. Avoid using numbers for the theme name, as this prevents it from being displayed in the available themes list.

Create a screenshot for your theme. The screenshot should be named screenshot.png, and should be placed in the top level directory. The screenshot should accurately show the theme design and saved in PNG format. While .jpg, .jpeg, and .gif are also valid extensions and file formats for the screenshot, they are not recommended.

When enabling the availability of the Theme Customize Screen for a user role, use the "edit_theme_options" user capability instead of the "switch_themes" capability unless the user role actually should also be able to switch the themes. See more at Roles and Capabilities and Adding Administration Menus.

If you are using the "edit_themes" capability anywhere in your Theme to gain the Administrator role access to the Theme Customize Screen (or maybe some custom screens), be aware that since Version 3.0, this capability has not been assigned to the Administrator role by default in the case of WordPress Multisite installation. See the explanation. In such a case, use the "edit_theme_options" capability instead if you want the Administrator to see the "Theme Options" menu. See the additional capabilities of Administrator role when using WordPress Multisite.

All requests for themed output must go through this function (however,calling the theme() function directly is strongly discouraged - see nextparagraph). It examines the request and routes it to the appropriatetheme function or template, by checking the themeregistry.

Avoid calling this function directly. It is preferable to replace directcalls to the theme() function with calls to drupal_render() by passing arender array with a #theme key to drupal_render(), which in turn callstheme().

Most commonly, the first argument to this function is the name of the themehook. For instance, to theme a taxonomy term, the theme hook name is'taxonomy_term'. Modules register theme hooks within a hook_theme()implementation and provide a default implementation via a function namedtheme_HOOK() (e.g., theme_taxonomy_term()) or via a template file namedaccording to the value of the 'template' key registered with the theme hook(see hook_theme() for details). Default templates are implemented with thePHPTemplate rendering engine and are named the same as the theme hook, withunderscores changed to hyphens, so for the 'taxonomy_term' theme hook, thedefault template is 'taxonomy-term.tpl.php'.

Themes may also register new theme hooks within a hook_theme()implementation, but it is more common for themes to override defaultimplementations provided by modules than to register entirely new themehooks. Themes can override a default implementation by implementing afunction named THEME_HOOK() (for example, the 'bartik' theme overrides thedefault implementation of the 'menu_tree' theme hook by implementing abartik_menu_tree() function), or by adding a template file within its folderstructure that follows the template naming structure used by the theme'srendering engine (for example, since the Bartik theme uses the PHPTemplaterendering engine, it overrides the default implementation of the 'page' themehook by containing a 'page.tpl.php' file within its folder structure).

If the implementation is a template file, several functions are calledbefore the template file is invoked, to modify the $variables array. Thesefall into the "preprocessing" phase and the "processing" phase, and areexecuted (if they exist), in the following order (note that in the followinglist, HOOK indicates the theme hook name, MODULE indicates a module name,THEME indicates a theme name, and ENGINE indicates a theme engine name):

If the implementation is a function, only the theme-hook-specific preprocessand process functions (the ones ending in _HOOK) are called from thelist above. This is because theme hooks with function implementationsneed to be fast, and calling the non-theme-hook-specific preprocess andprocess functions for them would incur a noticeable performance penalty.

There are two special variables that these preprocess and process functionscan set: 'theme_hook_suggestion' and 'theme_hook_suggestions'. These will bemerged together to form a list of 'suggested' alternate theme hooks to use,in reverse order of priority. theme_hook_suggestion will always be a higherpriority than items in theme_hook_suggestions. theme() will use thehighest priority implementation that exists. If none exists, theme() willuse the implementation for the theme hook it was called with. Thesesuggestions are similar to and are used for similar reasons as callingtheme() with an array as the $hook parameter (see below). The differenceis whether the suggestions are determined by the code that calls theme() orby a preprocess or process function.

$hook:The name of the theme hook to call. If the name contains adouble-underscore ('__') and there isn't an implementation for the fullname, the part before the '__' is checked. This allows a fallback to amore generic implementation. For example, if theme('links__node', ...) iscalled, but there is no implementation of that theme hook, then the'links' implementation is used. This process is iterative, so iftheme('links__contextual__node', ...) is called, theme() checks for thefollowing implementations, and uses the first one that exists:

This allows themes to create specific theme implementations for namedobjects and contexts of otherwise generic theme hooks. The $hook parametermay also be an array, in which case the first theme hook that has animplementation is used. This allows for the code that calls theme() toexplicitly specify the fallback order in a situation where using the '__'convention is not desired or is insufficient.

$variables:An associative array of variables to merge with defaults from the themeregistry, pass to preprocess and process functions for modification, andfinally, pass to the function or template implementing the theme hook.Alternatively, this can be a renderable array, in which case, itsproperties are mapped to variables expected by the theme hookimplementations.

There are two ways to specify a choice of hooks: using double underscores in the hook name, or by passing an array of hook names. Looking at the code, I think you are not expected to do both. For example, if you call theme($hook, $variables) where

attributes is a reserved variable name that gets set on template_process() (see above for this function). So the following theme definition won't work (ie. the variable won't have the value you set to it): 006ab0faaa

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