This article discusses how to resolve the "NodePoolMcVersionIncompatible - Node pool version 1.x.y and control plane version 1.a.b are incompatible" error that occurs when you upgrade a node pool in a Microsoft Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster.

Error: Node pool version 1.x.y and control plane version 1.a.b are incompatible. Minor version of node pool cannot be more than 2 versions less than control plane's version. Minor version of node pool is x and control plane is a. For more information, please check -skew-policy.

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Error: Node pool version 1.x.y and control plane version 1.a.b are incompatible. Minor version of node pool version x is bigger than control plane version a. For more information, please check -skew-policy.

These issues occur if you try to upgrade a node pool that's more than two versions behind the AKS control plane version, or if you try to add a node pool that's at a more recent version than the control plane version.

To ensure that the API server endpoint for your cluster is always accessible, Amazon EKS provides a highly available Kubernetes control plane and performs rolling updates of API server instances during update operations. In order to account for changing IP addresses of API server instances supporting your Kubernetes API server endpoint, you must ensure that your API server clients manage reconnects effectively. Recent versions of kubectl and the Kubernetes client libraries that are officially supported, perform this reconnect process transparently.

Before updating your control plane to a new Kubernetes version, make sure that the Kubernetes minor version of both the managed nodes and Fargate nodes in your cluster are the same as your control plane's version. For example, if your control plane is running version 1.28 and one of your nodes is running version 1.27, then you must update your nodes to version 1.28 before updating your control plane to 1.29. We also recommend that you update your self-managed nodes to the same version as your control plane before updating the control plane. For more information, see Updating a managed node group and Self-managed node updates. If you have Fargate nodes with a minor version lower than the control plane version, first delete the Pod that's represented by the node. Then update your control plane. Any remaining Pods will update to the new version after you redeploy them.

Because Amazon EKS runs a highly available control plane, you can update only one minor version at a time. For more information about this requirement, see Kubernetes Version and Version Skew Support Policy. Assume that your current cluster version is version 1.27 and you want to update it to version 1.29. You must first update your version 1.27 cluster to version 1.28 and then update your version 1.28 cluster to version 1.29.

Update the Kubernetes version of your Amazon EKS control plane. Replace my-cluster with your cluster name. Replace 1.29 with the Amazon EKS supported version number that you want to update your cluster to. For a list of supported version numbers, see Amazon EKS Kubernetes versions.

If necessary, update your version of kubectl. You must use a kubectl version that is within one minor version difference of your Amazon EKS cluster control plane. For example, a 1.28 kubectl client works with Kubernetes 1.27, 1.28, and 1.29 clusters. You can check your currently installed version with the following command.

From the output, it looks like plane-war is an actual module. It install the tar.gz and looks in the pypi. If it were fake, it would say package not found. It appears that there is an error with the plane-war module.

Google provides a total of 14 months of support for each GKEminor version once the version has been made available in the Regularchannel. Nodes and node pool versions can be up to two minor versions older thanthe control plane, but cannot be newer than the control plane version due to theKubernetes OSS version skew policy.To ensure supportability and reliability, nodes should use a supportedversion regardless of following a valid version skew.

When you create or upgrade a node pool,you can specify its version. By default, nodes run the same version ofGKE as the control plane. Nodes can be no more than two minorversions older than control planes.

GKE does not allow skipping minor versionsfor the cluster control plane, however you can skip patchversions. Worker nodes can skip minor versions. Forexample, a node pool can be upgraded from version 1.23 to 1.25 while skippingversion 1.24.

To upgrade a cluster across multiple minor versions, upgrade your control planeone minor version at a time and upgrade your worker nodes to the same versioneach time. For example, to upgrade your control plane from version 1.23 to1.25, upgrade it from version 1.23 to 1.24 first, then upgrade your workernodes to match the control plane version, and then repeat the process to upgradefrom version 1.24 to 1.25.

Cluster control planes are always upgraded on a regular basis, regardless ofwhether your cluster is enrolled in a release channel or whether nodeauto-upgrade is disabled. Learn more in Automatic upgrades.

Now, in order to upgrade the data plane, I have to manually restart the deployments/statefulsets etc with a sidecar injected. That sounds invasive and a lot of manual work. Is that really necessary? I see other posts with the same conclusion, e.g. Data plane in place upgrade?

To upgrade the control plane version to 1.18 the nodegroups must match the current cluster version (1.17), and upgrading the nodegroups to 1.17 results in an error ("Cluster's kubernetes version 1.17 is not supported for nodegroup. Minimum supported kubernetes version is 1.18"). Trying to create a new nodegroup results in the same error.

To upgrade a cluster, GKE updates the version the control planeand nodes are running. Clusters are upgraded to either a newer minor version(for example, 1.24 to 1.25) or newer patch version (for example,1.24.2-gke.100 to 1.24.5-gke.200). For more information, see GKE versioning and support.

If you enroll your cluster in a release channel,nodes run the same version of GKE as the cluster, exceptduring a brief period (typically a few days, depending on the current release)between completing the cluster's control plane upgrade and starting the node poolupgrade, or if the control plane was manually upgraded. Check therelease notes for more information.

Zonalclusters have only a single control plane. During the upgrade, yourworkloads continue to run, but you cannot deploy new workloads, modifyexisting workloads, or make other changes to the cluster's configuration untilthe upgrade is complete.

Regionalclusters have multiple replicas of the control plane, and only one replicais upgraded at a time, in an undefined order. During the upgrade, the clusterremains highly available, and each control plane replica is unavailable onlywhile it is being upgraded.

GKE is responsible for securing your cluster's controlplane, and upgradesyour clusters when a new GKE version is selected forauto-upgrade. Infrastructure security is highpriority for GKE, and as such control planes are upgraded on aregular basis, and cannot be disabled. However, you can apply maintenancewindows and exclusions to temporarily suspend upgrades forcontrol planes and nodes.

As part of the GKE shared responsibility model,you are responsible for securing your nodes, containers, and Pods. Nodeauto-upgrade is enabled by default. Although it is not recommended, you candisable node auto-upgrade.Opting out of node auto-upgrades does not block your cluster's control planeupgrade. If you opt out of node auto-upgrades you are responsible for ensuringthat the cluster's nodes run a version compatible with the cluster's version,and that the version adheres to the Kubernetes version skew support policy.

A cluster's node pools can be no more than two minor versions behind the controlplane version, to maintain compatibility with the cluster API. The node poolversion also determines the versions of software packages installed on each node.It is recommended to keep node pools updated to the cluster version.

If you enroll your cluster in a release channel,nodes always run the same version of GKE as the clusteritself, except during a brief period (typically a few days, depending on thecurrent release) between completing the cluster's control plane upgrade andbeginning to upgrade a given node pool. Check the release notesfor more information.

GKE logs control plane and node pool upgrade events toCloud Logging by default. Upgrade events log provides visibility into the upgrade process, and includes valuable information for troubleshooting if needed.

When new features or fixes become available for a component, GKEindicates the patch version in which they are included. To obtain the latestversion of a component, refer to the associated documentation or releasenotes for instructions on upgrading yourcontrol plane or nodes to the appropriate version.

This warning indicates that the proxies running in the Linkerd control plane arerunning a different version from the Linkerd CLI. We recommend keeping thisversions in sync by updating either the CLI or the control plane as necessary.

This warning indicates that the listed pods have thedeny default inbound policy,which may prevent the linkerd-viz Prometheus instance from scraping the dataplane proxies in those pods. If Prometheus cannot scrape a data plane pod,linkerd viz commands targeting that pod will return no data.

A Kubernetes version encompasses both the control plane and the data plane. To ensure smooth operation, both the control plane and the data plane should run the same Kubernetes minor version, such as 1.24. While AWS manages and upgrades the control plane, updating the worker nodes in the data plane is your responsibility.

You are responsible for initiating upgrade for both cluster control plane as well as the data plane. Learn how to initiate an upgrade. When you initiate a cluster upgrade, AWS manages upgrading the cluster control plane. You are responsible for upgrading the data plane, including Fargate pods and other add-ons. You must validate and plan upgrades for workloads running on your cluster to ensure their availability and operations are not impacted after cluster upgrade 0852c4b9a8

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