I'm reading in time series data and I want to make an aggregate plot using matplotlib. I managed to set appropriate font sizes for the axis titles and labels. However, I could not find the function that would allow me to change the font size of the y axis scaling factor.

We have a requirement where our application needs to support high resolution monitors. Currently, when the application comes up in High res monitor, the text that it displays is too small. We use Arial 12 point font by default.

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Now I need to know the scaling factor by which I need to increase these Number of Pixels so that the resultant Font is properly visible. If I know the scaled pixel count, I can get the Font size simply by dividing it by (96/72)

If you set the resolution in Windows to match that of the physical monitor, no adjustment should be needed. Any well written program will do the multiplication and division necessary to scale the font properly, and in the newest versions of Windows the OS will lie about the resolution and scale the fonts automatically.

A lot of apps these days allow customization of UI scaling factor, so that it's possible, by setting the value of scaling factor to e.g. 200%, to make everything (including all UI elements) twice as large.

Would it be possible for FileLocator Pro to offer some option along these lines? On my machine, while I was able to make the menu font size larger (by setting Win10's "Make Text Larger" setting to 130%), this doesn't have any effect on the rest of the UI texts. ( screenshot : )

2) Text width factor preference?: As a default, I mean. I'm used to a width factor of 0.85. That made it pleasing to the eye, in my opinion. The company I work for now does a default width factor of 1.0. I don't mind it, necessarily, but I feel it takes up way too much space... space that I sometimes need in tight areas (I work in civil engineering).

As far as either one, any experience or differences with your choice regarding plotting full-size vs half-size? My previous employer plotted everything full-size so maybe that made a 0.85 width factor fine, whereas my current employer drafts everything full-size but plots everything half-size.

While it's true that a TTF font may not exist on another system, Arial is standard with Windows so there's no risk there. It's exactly the same problem when using exotic SHX fonts. SHX font files can just be plunked into a common network folder, exotic TTF fonts have to be installed on individual computers which can be a little annoying when you have people assigned to a project for only a day or two.

Everything that @dgorsman said! TTF fonts that come with Windows works pretty well and even seem to transport to the Mac. This is because many fonts that come with an install of Microsoft Office match on both platforms.

My thinking has evolved over the years to the point where I now prefer True Type Fonts, and more specifically Arial. Coming from a civil site design background, a big part of my opinion was shaped by studying the sets my plans are incorporated into. Revit became the primary tool for the site design projects I worked on, and Arial is the default font used for annotation. At the end of the day I had to ask myself the question objectively if every other design trade on my project is using Arial, what benefit am I getting from using Simplex/RomanS?

A common standard I encountered was existing (survey) text should be oblique (aka italicized), and proposed (engineering) text should be block. This presented a real challenge for me with SHX fonts, as I tended to use a lot of custom linetypes with text in them. Unfortunately, linetype definitions ignore Text Style Effects such as Oblique and Width Factor.

The "Text scaling factor" is the option you are interested in - its unfortunate that it is a sliding bar so you will not be able to enter the actual DPI value. Click on the sliding bar and use the left/right arrow keys to decrease/increase the font size.

Using dconf-editor which is available in the dconf-tools package allows you to set the "Text Scaling Factor" numerically i.e. changing the default value by fractions of numbers (1.2, 0.9 etc) changes the overall screen font size:

On Pop!_ OS (which also uses GNOME shell) I had to set scale to 200% for HiDPI to work. This may be equivalent on other systems. I've got a 24 inch monitor set to 3840x2160 and it system wide font-rendering was blurry (not HiDPI or Retina like) unless scale was 200%.

Previously, I was using the Pantheon desktop environment on Fedora 35 for my work laptop. I liked how well Pantheon handled font scaling with my 4k monitor, and I figured out how to get the accessability menubar item working in Fedora. This allowed me to easily toggle the scaling factor as I connected and reconnected to different monitors. With that said, I have recently starting using Gnome on the laptop, and miss that feature of Pantheon.

I have been using Fedora Gnome on my work computer for the last month or so. The font scaling works well enough, and it seems to be a little less resource hungry/buggy than my cobbled-together Fedora Pantheon setup.

First, I had to learn out how to change the scaling factor using the commandline in Gnome. It turns out this is an item in gsettings, so it is easy to getthe current value, and set a new one. I used these to commands to start myscript:

I can offer my workaround: add to autostart a trivial command that explicitly sets the "text scaling factor" after login. This change will be correctly noticed by the GNOME shell, making the GNOME shell text correctly scaled.

The problem is that even though the dconf value is updated (checked using dconf read and dconf-editor), existing applications do not redraw with the updated font scaling factor. Applications launched after the script runs, however, use the updated value.

How can I get existing applications to update? Alternatively, is there a better way to solve the overall issue of automatically adjusting font scaling on monitor connect / disconnect? This following comment from a mailing list thread I came across suggests that this is discouraged usage:

I like to use this in one of the top level components in the view (e.g. root) and the use em units to inherit from that. Not suitable for all use cases, but it helps reduce engineering time for the trial-and-error stages of trying to get font sizing right for different scenarios.

I find trying to create a view that handles both desktop and mobile, whilst not impossible, takes a lot of trial-and-error to handle all the different scenarios. Sometimes it's just easier to create 2 seperate views, but that's probably more a factor of my inexperience

I want to make deeper intents font smaller to help me differentiate the header and child indents. How is this possible as CSS Snippet?

(Whenever a new indent is made, font size should decrease but font size should not drop below 9 to make it readable)

@Joseph_Luquette: Apologies for not replying sooner. What are the output of the commands gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.interface scaling-factor and gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.interface text-scaling-factor?

I have to change a lot of electrical sketches to plot them in pdf. The words in those sketches have to be searchable by PDF. So the fact is that I have to change the Width factor to 1. I'm already using a lisp for changing the width factor in different block attributes. Now i'm trying to find a lisp for changing font to Tahoma and the width factor for different styles to 1.0 , cuz it takes a lot of work to plot thousand and thousands of sketches to pdf. ow yeah btw i'm a newbie. I actually have used autocad for a week now. so don't make it to difficult for me.

I haven't tried it yet, but it looks like they are replacing the styles? That's not what I want. I'm actually just looking for something to change only the Width factor and the font to Tahoma for all the text styles at once if that is also possible without changing anything else about that text style (there are per file like 3 to 12 different text styles) . I have here right now 3000 electrical sketches waiting for me to be converted to pdf and there are like thousands more. so I tried first just the command 'style' and changing the fonts to Tahoma and the Width for every text style, but after a while I figured out that not everything was searchable because some texts where in block attributes. The last problem is luckily fixed now by using a lisp file. Now I'm only looking for a solution for this problem and i'm good to go!

You can follow these steps to add your two-factor verification and password reset methods. After you've set this up the first time, you can return to the Security info page to add, update, or delete your security information.

If you want text messaging to be the default method used when you sign in to your work or school account using two-factor verification or for password reset requests, you can set it from the Security info page.

could somebody please tell me how to change the font size of the start menu ? I tried using zorin appearance but it doesn't change the font size on start menu.

Zorin OS version : 16[date=2023-04-20 timezone="Asia/Colombo"]

Thank you for the help! I added a rule in a style sheet as you described, but it didn't make a difference. It seems the styles we add in this folder ~./config/gtk-3.0, cannot override the menu fonts default style.

I think you remember I had mistakenly installed both interfaces, so I can switch into both. I checked it on zorin os lite and it didn't work. Now I'm on zorin os core, can you please tell me how to change that style for zorin os core ? Instead of scaling , I prefer making a change to the font style.

It is unclear whether HTML formatting influences rankings, such as marked text, subscript, superscript, or even font color. As such only formatted text expressly mentioned by Google forms part of our conclusions.

I am working on a yard sign project. I have a text area that is roughly 23 x 9 inches in which a customer's company name populates. The default point size of the font is 260pt (font doesn't matter as it happens with all fonts I have tried). If I enter 'Company Name' and preview it everything looks great. If I turn on 'adjust to fit' in 'overflow' it still looks fine, since that variable value fits and doesn't need scaling. 17dc91bb1f

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