The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) were released in 2013 (NGSS Lead States, 2013) and are a part of a science educational reform effort focused on ensuring teaching practices align with 21st century needs and science education more closely represents scientific and engineering endeavors. The NGSS and WySS (Wyoming's NGSS-based standards, WDE, 2016) asks us to rethink the what and also the how. The intersection of both informs instructional practices that promote sense-making and provide students with the tools that enable them to build knowledge about the natural and designed world.

What are the NGSS?

Comprised of “three dimensions” (Scientific and Engineering Practices, Disciplinary Core Ideas, and Crosscutting Concepts) and grounded in Nature of Science principles, the NGSS promotes science instruction as an integrated way of knowing, doing, and thinking. These resources provide a glimpse into the Framework and some basic background to help understand the standards.


NGSS FactSheet

NGSS Overview for Principals (1).pdf

Overview of NGSS Principles