WordPress 4.5 increases the amount of compression applied to intermediate sizes by changing the default quality in WP_Image_Editor from 90 to 82. As noted in the proposal for this change, this results in a noticeable reduction in file sizes with little change in visual quality. Developers can override the default image quality value using the wp_editor_set_quality filterFilter Filters are one of the two types of Hooks _API/Hooks. They provide a way for functions to modify data of other functions. They are the counterpart to Actions. Unlike Actions, filters are meant to work in an isolated manner, and should never have side effects such as affecting global variables and output..

As Jeremy Felt mentioned in his post on Multisite changes, wp_upload_dir() received a major performance overhaul in this release. Those changes were pared with the addition of a new function, wp_get_upload_dir(), which can be used as a more performant way to display information about the uploads directory on the front end. This is particularly useful when building URLs for images in templates. (See #34359)

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So it appears if the size of an image matches the size of a specified image size by add_image_size() it does not get created and thus not optimised. If I make the image 1px larger it will then create an optimised version. Is there any way to enforce optimisation on all images or enforce the creation of an optimised image size version?

Edited shots like these stand out pretty easily for the color that the lens gives images. I shoot raw and make very small adjustments to color and contrast, but with the plastic fantastic, I have more keepers than not.

As you may know, every time you upload an image to WordPress, the server resizes the upload into several sizes for use on the front end of the site. By default there are thumbnail (small), medium and large sizes and themes and plugins can add additional sizes. 

In WordPress 4.4 and 4.5 we have been changing and improving image handling with several goals including faster/small images for faster loads/less space on small image sizes, and new large sizes to provide responsive image sizes (images that display well on hi def monitors, ie 'retina'). These additional sizes and better compression mean more work on the server side when uploading.

This is all my long way of saying image processing load has increased when uploading images in 4.5 - we are trying to do more with each image that is uploaded. The error you see you see is on a line of code calling unsharpMaskImage which sharpens up resized images. I don't think this is a core bug: your images are very large and are exceeding the capacity of WP 4.5 to handle them on your server.

@adamsilverstein with all due respect I believe this to be a bug. I was notified of this exact issue from a user of our hosting service. I was able to replicate the http error on the site no matter how small or large the image. At first I assumed as you did, they were trying to upload large images but then noted that the error occurred instantly (not after 30 seconds) as I tailed the error.log in another window. In my tests, everything from a 14KB postage stamp size jpg to a 1MB file causes 4.5 to throw this error instantly, not after a 30 second server timeout. 

In my tests I was also experiencing this with tiny images in the sub 100K size, in fact I tried with 14KB JPG and it throws an HTTP Error almost instantly not after exhausting CPU or available memory. I concede that the OpenMP being available on servers where it shouldn't be is a problem and I'd hate for folks to not be able to take legitimate advantage of multi-threading if available. 

I installed a fresh wordpress today, this is an issue. I tried a combination of every solution listed here (.htaccess/functions.php/.diff modification) as well as other techniques around. But I still have the issue. Mobile app won't upload either. peace.

OK, so I'm pretty new to the whole WordPress thing (or any web coding at all for that matter, though I have a few years of DB and IT experience under my belt), so forgive me if I'm crazy stupid. I am using WP 4.5.2 on PHP 5.6. 

Have been working on 3 separate sites (with 3 separate templates) and getting this error for a little over 24 hours now, though it is happening most consistently on the site that is using the Nisarg template. I have tried shrinking image sizes, using the browser uploader, making the media size huge under tools, editing the themes function file, adding the line to the .htaccess file, and applying the aforementioned 36534.diff patch. Nothing works. If I am trying to add to a page, I get the HTTP error. If I am simply trying to add to my library, it just stops (with MOST images, not all, but my largest image is 4.87 MB), gives me no error, but if I go to the library, the image is listed with no thumbnail. If I click 'view,' the image comes up but I get the following errors: 

The image is likewise unusable, though I can see it. 

Now, if I turn off all my plugins (I only have Jetpack, Event Calendar WD, and Akismet running) AND shrink one of these images by 50% (75% doesn't do it) and try to upload it, it actually crunches it (it doesn't normally do this), and works. However, if I do all those steps except only shrink it to 75%, it TRIES to crunch it, and I get this error: 

Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 39845888) (tried to allocate 450 bytes) in /src/wp-includes/media.php on line 2751

While doing additional profiling/research for this ticket, I'm noticing that the new compression settings introduced in 4.5 can result in an increase in total wall time while creating images, while memory used is generally the same, so we could be running into time limits that are being applied to ImageMagick on hosts (via their policy.xml settings, for example). Here's the data from an example run:

The difference is almost entirely a result of the switch to using Imagick::resizeimage instead of Imagick::scaleimage introduced in [36891]. We're using Imagick's FILTER_TRIANGLE within the resizeImage() function, which produces the best results considering file size savings, image quality, and performance, but is still more resource intensive than if we were to use FILTER_BOX which is the default (I believe).

While WP_Image_Editor_Imagick::thumbnail_image() accepts alternate filters as a parameter, there really is no easy way for users to alter this value unless we were to add a filter before Imagick::resizeimage is called.

This wasn't an issue on these 2 sites before. When initially troubleshooting I turned off all plugins, which made the image uploads work again. But then re-enabling plugins one by one I couldn't isolate a single plugin as causing a conflict. It was more that after 3 or 4 plugins were active again, the issue reappeared. But it didn't seem to matter which plugins. 

Checked a handful of 4.5.2 sites with very similar setups (plugins and theme-wise), but found nothing consistent. I did see that several clients have had problems, because they have some image-files without thumbnails in their media libraries. But for all of them they seem to have been intermittent problems that went away by themselves, because they all have newer images files with tumbnails also. The problem sites were a mix of ones running child-themes and just parent themes without a child-theme. One of the sites (with a child-theme active) doesn't seem to have had any problems with image uploads and on trying my test-image uploaded it fine.

I don't think the issue is fully understood judging by the threads I've seen. This weekend, I moved two sites to different providers, and when they looked ok, went ahead an upgraded WP from 4.4.3 to 4.52, along with all plugins. Both sites had the image issue.

I have tried all the fixes listed here and nothing seems to work. Even reinstalled WordPress.

I'm also using 1and1 hosting provider. Wordpress was installed using their 1&1 App Center.

Sub-domain being used. Uploading using the wordpress app also fails most of the time.

The debug plugin appears to also show that ImageMagick is not installed or not working so I've raised a ticket with my host 1and1 and await their response. It seems strange that small images are being uploaded and are being resized though so I don't think this issue is fully resolved.

Jumping in to report that I believe I'm also experiencing this issue on Pantheon. Since 4.5, I can no longer upload images larger than 3601x3601. I installed the debug media plugin, and here's what it reports:

Found it! After deactivating all of the plugins and reverting to the default Theme, the problem still occurred. Further tests indicated that the JPGs we were working with had been saved in (an invalid) four-colour CMYK format. Although ImageMagick can convert invalid images in this format, the server appears to have a problem with them.

Affecting me on WestHost, WP version 4.6.1.

The two fixes to limit the ImageMagick threads (via .htaccess :11 or patching class-wp-image-editor-imagick.php :10) didn't work, but adding the code to functions.php to switch the image engine to gd did the trick :25

The HTTP error.

I've now identified that it is a problem with the thumbnail generation. When I change the image engine to GD I can upload images (no HTTP error) but WP doesn't generate any thumbnails. If i switch back to ImageMagick I can regenerate the thumbnails and then they're all showing properly, but if I use ImageMagick I can't uploading images without getting the HTTP error. So I have to switch between the two image engines to get it right...

I've now identified that it is a problem with the thumbnail generation. When I change the image engine to GD I can upload images (no HTTP error) but WP doesn't generate any thumbnails. If i switch back to ImageMagick I can regenerate the thumbnails and then they're all showing properly, but if I use ImageMagick I can't uploading images without getting the HTTP error. So I have to switch between the two image engines to get it right...


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