Salmon fed the bellies and the souls of the local tribe, the Lower Elwha Klallam, for millennia. A tribal elder recalled that as a little girl she once helped prepare a salmon so big it took her mother three steps to walk from the head to the tail. Then Thomas Aldwell erected his dams and brought the salmon, and the river, to ruin.

Once the Port Angeles citizens committee came aboard, Slade Gorton was left nearly alone in his opposition to dam removal. He held the Elwha dams hostage for a few more years before being swept out of office in 2000. Soon after $325 million in dam removal money came through.

Cracks Painted On Dams


As far as painting, rattle can paint really isn't very durable and will come off with some solvents. Some paint shops can mix up colors in catalyzed spray cans. The best thing is to really just get it painted or paint it yourself. You can probably get someone like Maaco to paint it for you cheap if it's off the car. Your could bulldog it first, so then they could do a final once over sand, degrease and spray.

Paint is being scraped off the structure, which is under renovation, and future painting will be prohibited because the city says it needs the dam clear of paint so inspectors can spot cracks or other irregularities that could jeopardize the integrity of the structure.

There are millions of dams in rivers and streams across the United States, and many of them no longer serve their original purposes. In a new pair of reports, researchers at Resources for the Future examine the national extent of dam removal and how it may fit into the wider scope of dam regulation.

The first report, Dams and Dam Removal in the United States, uses nationwide data to paint a picture of the size, age, purpose and ownership type of dams across the United States. The second report, Aligning Dam Removal and Dam Safety: Comparing Policies and Institutions Across States, analyzes case studies of specific state-level dam safety programs and what could be done to improve the effectiveness of such programs.

Lead has been used for a long time in a wide variety of products found in and around our homes, including painted toys, furniture and toy jewelry; cosmetics; food or liquid containers; and plumbing materials.

The first step is to empty the dam. The dam was then inspected for loose material, possible causes of the leakage and obvious cracks. In some cases where structural cracks in the walls occurred, the dam was firstly strengthened by placing two (2) or three (3) 16mm steel cables tightly around the dam in order to strengthen the structure. Thereafter the cracks where repaired and the walls sealed.

Once the dam was clean and dry, the large cracks were cut open, all loose material removed and brushed clean with a steel brush. The first step was then to a make mixture of BULLDOGSEAL and clean River sand to make a paste, which was applied with a scraper in the deep cracks, filling the crack until it was flush with the surface. For the primer coat BULLDOGSEAL was diluted 1:1 with water and painted over the repaired crack surfaces and approximately 50 mm either side of it. Allow to dry well before applying two (2) coats of Undiluted BULLDOGSEAL as top coats. Every coat must be allowed to dry properly.

My experience was that structural shortcomings were the cause of the leaking dams in most cases. Especially the outlets and seams between the floor and wall surfaces must be thoroughly checked. It is important to not take any shortcuts and, in the case of obvious structural damage to consult an engineer. 

Winter has arrived for many homeowners across the United States, and while the icicles that form on the sides of houses might look beautiful, they pose a far more serious threat than falling on your head. In this article, we will cover ice dams, how to remove them, issues that can arise if they are not properly taken care of, and some tips on ice dam prevention.

In parts of the country with normal to above normal snowfall, ice dams are a common problem. You probably have been dealing with ice dams for some time if you own a home with poor roof ventilation and a warm attic in a geography that gets significant snowfall. If left untreated, ice dams can lead to serious issues with your gutters, roof, insulation, drywall, paint, and home structure. When left untreated, ice damming can also lead to mold infestation. As a result, you should remove any existing ice dams and prevent future ice accumulation in the future.

Under specific snowy or freezing conditions, ice dams may form. When you have significant snowfall, it will accumulate on your roof. The heat from inside your home and attic can then cause the lowermost layer of snow to melt.

As the heat from your home melts the snow on your roof, the water becomes trapped under the snow that did not melt. A large quantity of water can then accumulate, seep, and leak into your home, causing water, paint, and drywall damage. If left untreated, or if it is a spot where you may not see it immediately mold and mildew growth could begin in the home. The exterior of your home may be damaged, including the roof, gutters, plants, walls, and exterior paint. Excess water from ice dams can also lead to lifted or damaged shingles, which can cause a whole host of other problems.

This may seem like a no-brainer, but it does take some planning and dedication. Clearing your roof and gutters of snow can prevent ice dam formation if you have a roof prone to ice dam formation. When there is a snowstorm or snowfall, try to remove the snow from the roof as quickly as possible. This will prevent ice dams from forming from melting snow.

If you improve the ventilation and insulation on your roof and in your house in general, your roof will be more evenly heated. By doing so, you prevent unequal heating from melting snow on the roof, which stops ice dams from forming.

In addition, you can insulate your roof and/or attic. As a result, the warmth from the home, stays inside, reducing heat loss to the exterior. By preventing the heat from escaping your home, you prevent snow from melting on the roof, ultimately, avoiding ice dams.

The Romans were amazing water engineers. They employed a number of hydrological technologies to divert water for purposes of irrigation, settlement, drinking, bathing, and even recreation. In contrast to other Roman ruins, which now serve as tourist attractions, many Roman dams remain in use to this day, mostly as drinking reservoirs. The Romans erected dams primarily in areas with poor precipitation, such as the Mediterranean basin and Syria, in order to ensure sufficient water for irrigation of crops and drinking water. One of the oldest still in use for drinking water, the Cornalvo dam, can be found a few kilometers from Mrida, in western central Spain. Built between 1 and 2 CE, the dam stands as a remnant of the former Roman provincial capital, which earned it distinction as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1993. At 28 meters it stands just higher than its nearby cousin, the Prosperina dam. The Lake Homs Dam in Syria, built around the same time, continues to supply drinking water to the besieged city of Homs.

The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) was founded in 1902, but left its greatest legacy between the 1930s and the 1960s. During that time the Bureau oversaw the construction of more than half of its 340 active dams. In 1928, Congress approved a bid by a consortium of utility companies to construct the Hoover dam on the Colorado River. Upon completion in 1935 the Hoover dam was the largest in the world and one of the largest concrete structures at the time. Its reservoir, Lake Mead, retains the title of largest man-made lake in the United States.

The five species of salmon have not been the only motivation for dam removal. In addition, populations of American Shad and Steelhead have had their ecosystems restored by letting rivers run free. The United States Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 has also provided the basis for the removal and cleanup of dams like the Milltown Reservoir in Missoula, Montana, where the buildup of toxic sediment from nearby mines marked the location as a toxic Superfund site.

Beavers remind us that humans are not the only animals who use technology to engineer their environment. Before European settlers arrived to North America, beavers and their dams played a crucial role in river ecology. But as European settlers began to construct their own dams for mills, beavers increasingly became a nuisance, blocking rivers and damaging farms and property with floods. As European settlers trapped valuable beaver fur for global market, they inadvertently transformed the hydrology of North America by removing these talented dam builders from the ecology and releasing water from untended former beaver dams.

With the rebound of beaver populations in the twentieth century, beavers have returned to their role as important ecological actors. Beaver dams help improve water quality and biodiversity through the creation of wetlands and also help curb soil erosion and drought by channeling run-off from streams into ponds.

Conservators began to understand that not only the canvas and sizing but also the oil paint could respond to moisture very significantly, if slowly, and that the moisture content influenced the mechanical properties of the paint, making it more susceptible to the effects of heat and pressure. Moisture treatments were explored. We could soften some paints but not usually the lead whites. Glue paste linings and other linings involving heat and moisture exploit this moisture response whereas linings using wax and synthetic materials had been invented more recently to avoid it. But glue linings are more effective at actually flattening raised cracks, not simply holding them tightly in plane. Oil paint moisture response also explains why so much damage has been done by glue liners in the past. With enough heat and pressure we could mould the paint into all sorts of interesting shapes. be457b7860

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