I tried to expect my getFirstName() to return "Jackson" and getLastName() to return "Chin", then i execute the setStaffName() so that the name instance is created and initialized with "Jackson" and "Chin". However, it says it was never invoked. What does never invoked means?

Had a bout of AFIB Well over 8 months ago and never again. I was diagnosed as severely dehydrated. Was in hospital for 2 days and put on Amiodorone. When they let me get up and walk I converted to Sinus Rythem. Have since had many tests and no underlying heart problems. Scored a 14.4 Met score on the treadmill test. I'm a 52 year old male that used to drink way to much, not sleep well and stressed about everything. Have since changed my life. My question is can this happen only once and never again and would it be ok to drink a beer or two every now and then? Thanks so much

Once In, Never Out

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Well, it actually can just happen once and never again. I have a friend who was hospitalized with A Fib about 18 years ago and he has never had another episode. It is most likely to be a one time incident if the A Fib is caused by something like an episode of binge drinking or even thyroid problems that are then addressed. I would caution you though at 8 months out, that it may reappear. IN the early years of my diagnosis I often went 1-2 years between episodes. Talk with your doctor about the amount of alcohol that you can tolerate because it can be a trigger for some people with A Fib but usually one drink every now and again is not a problem.

I would speak to a dr and ask about the need for an anticoagulant. The number one concern with AF is the possibility of developing a clot due to pooling blood in the heart while having an attack and causing a stroke. Anyone who has AF should be educated on the dangers of stroke.

I did see a very reputable EP after all of this. He seemed not very concerned and said we just have to see how this plays out. He gave me Flecanide? To take if I ever have another attack. I'm not on any anti coagulants. I have been feeling very good other than the anxiety. I was told by the GP that the dehydration and stress played a large role in it happening. In the hospital my magnesium and potasium were very low. What kind of diet should I pursue. I do eat a lot of fresh fruit. Thanks for all your help. I feel so much better knowing there are people to talk to. God bless you and yours.

Thanks so much foe caring to take time and talk to me. It really means a lot. I pray it doesn't happen again. EP says there are instances where it came once and that was it. Don't want to do anything to trigger it. Out of everything I quit. I really miss a beer. I know I used to drink way to much and I was severely dehydrated. GP says this is what triggered the AFIB. I know stress also played into it. EP seemed not very concerned. Gave me Flecanide to take if I ever feel it again

I have had A-Fib only onetime , which was on my last birthday celebration evening ! I had a wonderful dinner with one glass of wine. Then later went dancing and had half a beer. Danced one dance and my heart was beating so hard and fast I knew it was something more than dancing. I came home , took my blood pressure pill, without any relief . I went to ER , all down hill from there. Long story short, they had the paddles ready after trying medications that weren't effecting my heart to slow it down, but finally I converted on my own. Worst night ever , wouldn't wish it on anyone. Since this episode I have been to ER 4 times thinking it was A-Fib only once, after that , I felt like something else was wrong because each time my blood pressure went sky high, here it is 8 months later , no A-Fib that can be proven yet, something is effecting my blood pressure to spike 1-2 times a day.... had so many tests and found nothing. Anyone have any ideas ? I am going to see a second heart Dr soon. My regular blood pressure medication is not controlling these spikes.

Hi, I'm jumping in the middle of the post I think. I never do chats so I wasn't sure where to reply. I'm a 49 year old female..non drinker, non smoker, no caffeine, chocolate or any drugs. I had an episode of a fib literally out of nowhere about a month ago while driving. I had to call 911 and was admitted to the hospital overnight and given cardizem and heparin blood thinners until I went back into a normal sinus rhythm .. I've had SVT's since I was around 14 years old and was told they were harmless, just a bother. The a fib scared the life out of me. I knew immediately that it was something entirely different than my usual tachycardia. so, I went to my cardiologist a week later and he told me that because I had bronchitis at the time of my episode that was the cause. I've had ekg's.. echo cardiograms,.. halter monitor tests,, blood gas tests and a bunch of other stuff.. all came back normal.. I'm praying so hard that this never happens again. I've had anxiety non stop and hate to go anywhere in case it happens. the hospital gave me a script for Cardizem but it gave me a rash and my cardiologist said I didn't need it anyway. Aside from having bronchitis I was taking chewy vitamin D gummies. I figured that bcoz I was deficient in Vitamin D I would take extra so i ate a bunch of the gummies. I read that too much Vitamin D can in fact induce A fib.. on top of everything else I do have MAJOR amounts of stress in my life.. my father passed away a year ago and my episode hit literally 5 days before the 1 year anniversary of his death. plus lots of other stuff.. I pray for everyone who has ever had this happen.. the heart rhythm didn't really scare me bcoz I've had my heart rate jump to 300 beats a minute while in SVT mode.. when they said blood clots and stroke that immediatly caused anxiety..

Of course it can only happen once. Take a positive mental attitude otherwise you will always be waiting for ""the sword of Damocles". Life is for living and not for worrying about what may/may not happen. Good luck and enjoy your life....free of AF.

Hi I'm philip im new to all of this and scared I'm just turned 34 and in good health( 12 n half stone, dont smoke) I love to socialise and have been drunk many times( had few palpatations when hungover before but ecgs been fine) but 2 weeks ago after a wedding where I drank alot(8 beer 2 glasses red wine few gin and 1 jagerbomb) and ate alot I came home to bed and awoke to my heart went nuts was 190 on ambulance then went to hospital they give me different meds including amiodarone to help but heart was out of rythym jumping between 110 and 150,, they told me if it didn't come back to normal they where going to do cardio version or shock next morning ,,, thank the Lord that night after sleeping for few hours (24 hours later) my heart came down to roughly 70 I had refurbed,, he said I was too young for blood thinners and strong beta blockers as they would make me tired I only take propanolol now,, like u I want to enjoy socialising again but will never be binge drunk again as I was in afib,, I'm hoping this will only happen once and getting encouragement from some of these replys ,,, I feel myself anxious nervous and depressed about all this and don't want it to ruin my life ,,,currently heart is good but praying it stays that way,,, have u any more knowledge after 5 years??? I mean is my heart now different than it was before( no family history of heart problems),,, im also a highly strung person but have a lot to live for!!!! ???

Thank you for your reply yeah it scared the life outta me thought I was a goner,,, been 2 weeks heart is in good rythym but so anxious about it all cause all the stories I read. I will never overstep the mark again but I'm going to quit drinking for 6 months to a year and hopefully when I do it will jus be a few pints 4 or 5 at most,,, I won't mix drinks or anything,,, wondering if I should take magnesium tablets as a trigger seems to be if your low on that but il talk to my doctor who hopefully refers me to a ep,, thanks for your advice rellim 2 ?

I got it one year then never got it again for 4 years then gone and been nearly 2 years now with out it then it came on for two hours then went again and hope it dosent come back but only on Apixaban as dident want to go Amiodorone so just have to stay on Apixaban

I've been under a lot of stress because I was working, writing my final thesis and working out with little sleep. During my visit i barley had any sleep because of the jet lag and had a few beers in a jacuzzi and my cousins. Thats when I went to Afib and was rushed to the ER. They were preparing to restore my normal rhythm with electricity but while waiting for it to happen (Had to wait because i ate not long ago) my heart rhythm came back to normal by itself (Horrible feeling which i never would like to expierience again)

I had all my tests done back home and everything came back good. But the constant anxiety after this expierience was horrible. I was afraid of doing the simplest things like walking up stairs because I was afraid of my own heartbeat being a bit too fast. Panic attacks and other things came out of this fear. Anyway It took almost a year for my to come back doing regular things in my life like sports and stuff and I never had one happen again, but it haunts me till today that this might happen and I do read alot about it. Hopefully it doesent and I hope it never happens to anyone of you guys, stay healthy!

Anxiety on top, i was just like waiting for my next episode and checking my pulse rhythm every minute, but your words just made me calm that you didnt had any attack since your first one, Hope me, you and everyone never experiences this again

Good you have changed your lifestyle. Afib unfortunately can reoccur at any time. I was originally diagnosed with AF about 5 years ago and never had another episode. Then 2012, for no reason had another bout of AF, and then not again until this year. Even at ER, they could not get me back Into sinus Rhythm. So, they took me to hospital and they cut me loose two days later and was still in AFib. My doc prescribed me Diltiaziam ER 180mg caps along with my Metoprolol 200 mg daily and that combo did the trick. Back in sinus rhythm. You can live a happy long life with Afib but once you have it you can control it but to completely get rid of it is questionable. be457b7860

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