Wikipedia ( is the largest encyclopaedia in existence. Of over five million English-language articles, about 6000 relate to Anatomy, which are viewed roughly 30 million times monthly. No work parallels the amount of attention, scope or interdisciplinary layout of Wikipedia, and it offers a unique opportunity to improve the anatomical literacy of the masses. Anatomy on Wikipedia is introduced from an editor's perspective. Article contributors, content, layout and accuracy are discussed, with a view to demystifying editing for anatomy professionals. A final request for edits or on-site feedback from anatomy professionals is made.

If this goes well on the zero-rated experience - and thus far it seems okay - we'll examine putting this in place on the non-zero-rated mdot experience for Wikipedia as well. To date, the non-zero-rated mdot Wikipedia experience as a general rule redirected the user to the English main page, despite about 47% of users visiting that webroot not having English as their primary language (n.b., the global homepage portal is actually more skewed toward English and, furthermore, lists all Wikipedia languages). And even in the zero-rated context, prior to the patch a user's Accept-Language wasn't taken into account; rather the user was shown a list of top languages from which to select (usually okay, but not ideal) or the user was redirected to a singular language main page (e.g., English or French). The patch tries to remove some of the cumbersome steps for the user.

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