Hello! My name is Rylan and I am the entrepreneur behind Rylan's Fresh Bread Stand. Prior to starting my bakery business, I was trying to find a hobby that made me unique and known for something amazing. I settled on learning the art of bread making in August of 2020, thinking back to how scarce bread was to find at your local grocery store. Thankfully, baking wasn't something entirely new to me as I had spent my days of quarantine baking all sorts of baked goods, like cookies, brownies, cakes, and pastries. Little did I know, my bread making hobby would soon turn me into a young teen entrepreneur. The beginning of my Bread business was scary as I was not sure of how people would react to me setting up a Bread Stand on Saturday mornings, especially in the middle of a global pandemic. Needless to say, I no longer had to worry after succeeding in my first ever bread stand on September 16th, 2020, selling out in about an hour. From then on, I started learning different types of sweet breads and adding them to my stand each weekend, eventually creating this website offering people to order and enjoy bread being delivered straight to their home. Out of this entire business, the one thing that I have gained and still value the most, is the different connections and relationships that I have formed from meeting all of my customers. After all, if it weren't for the continued support of my customers, I would not be where I am today.