What Are The Best Alternatives To Spinal Fusion Surgery?

When you have persistent back pain, you may be ready to have back surgery to relieve it. While people think of spinal surgery, they often picture a spinal fusion, in which damaged vertebrae are extracted and fused into one unit. With technological advancements, spinal fusions don't have the same recovery as before, and most patients may back to their normal routine.

However, spinal fusion isn't the only choice for severe back discomfort caused by degenerative disc disease or spinal stenosis, but it may be needed in some circumstances. Over the past decade, minimally-invasive alternatives may also have been discovered to alleviate pain. If you experience neck or back discomfort, don't assume you need significant surgery.

Spinal Fusion Options

To identify the best Non-Fusion Spine Surgery, it’s essential to consider the source of your back discomfort. A few proven and effective treatments include:

Cervical Disc Replacement/Artificial Disc Replacement

A highly degenerated spinal disc is the source of pain for many persons. In such a circumstance, artificial disc replacement is a treatment option that provides greater mobility and a shorter recovery period than spinal fusion.

Spinal motion is affected less with artificial disc replacement, which is another benefit. By replacing only the injured disc, a patient is capable of regaining nearly all normal spinal motion after recuperation. Moreover, artificial disc replacement surgery can be carried out minimally invasively and laparoscopically. As a result, the patient is anesthetized for a little duration, and recovery is rather swift.

Spinal Decompression Therapy

Spinal decompression for herniated discs is a contemporary use of a traditional treatment for back pain. Decompression is a non-surgical treatment for herniated and degenerative intervertebral discs with excellent therapeutic results.

Spinal decompression acts by extending the spine softly and producing a vacuum effect within the intervertebral spaces. More advantages are:

-Aids discs to return to their normal position, relieving pressure on potentially painful herniations.

-Relieves tension from degenerative discs, restoring disc height and diameter in numerous patients.

-Helps in building up in optimizing neuroforaminal apertures, combating potential causes of foraminal stenosis.

-Demonstrated efficacy in treating certain instances of facet syndrome and other forms of spinal osteoarthritis.

Spinal Decompression Surgery is increasing worldwide as a potential noninvasive alternative for individuals diagnosed with disc-related discomfort and some kinds of spinal arthritis. The risks are minimal and the benefits are considerable.

Consult a prominent Board Certified Neurosurgeon In North Carolina at Total Spine & Brain Institute North Carolina to discover more about your treatment options.