Spiritual Direction

What is Spiritual Direction?

Spiritual Direction offers time and space to discern where God has been at work in our daily life with a companion. An experienced listener helps in discerning where joy and hurt, doubt and breakthrough trust are happening. It's two people coming to Jesus, abiding in his presence together and prayerfully seeking to understand and grow in grace. Where two are gathered a third is present. He makes all the difference.

Spiritual direction aims to deepen our relationship with God. This requires a safe place, a trained listener, wise discernment, without distraction, in a prayerful atmosphere and at a slower pace than usual to hear God speaking.

Early on the church saw the value of this time-tested practice. Simple conversations characterized by empathic listening and ever gentle invitation to of the Holy Spirit to hear what God wants us to hear.  

As a director, I have the honor of making the journey you are already on with you. By means of the right questions, timely insight, companionship, and loads of empathy, I can help you reflect on your experiences and, with God’s help, help you become more fully alive to live freely in Christ. 

I have helped many over the years find a safe place on a regular basis where questions and doubts, hopes and dreams, and experiences that matter to them be spoken, listened to and held in trust. 

Who might benefit from Spiritual Direction?

Spiritual Direction is for anyone who has questions about their life’s purpose, direction, transitions, or calling. Perhaps you puzzle about what an experience could mean for your relationship with God and others. With an open heart you'll likely experience: