After a recent update all of my brushes have disappeared and now I am stuck with the default ones. I have noticed that this issue is happening since 2018 according to some other posts so apparently Adobe does not care about it's product or it's paying customers.

They told me to save my brushes in the "Preset" folder in a folder named "Brushes" You'll find it under C:// Programfiles > Adobe> Photoshop 2022 > Presets > Brushes. Then restart PS. But if PS frezzes and you have to click CTRL + ALT + Delete you have to load the brushes back to PS from the brushes folder.

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I had a few hundred brushes on my Photoshop. But today when I opened photoshop, all the brushes were gone, except for the default ones and the ones from the last set that I imported in. When I last imported that set of brushes, I clearly remember the rest of the brushes still being there as I was using some new and old ones together, so I don't think I clicked "reset brushes". Also, I can't change the hardness of the brushes, except for the default ones. I already started re-importing some of the lost brushes, but it'll take too long to do all of them so I would really appreciate it if you could help me with this problem

When you say "gone", do you mean gone from the Brushes panel, or gone from your Presets folder altogether? When you download and install custom brushes, make sure that make their way into the Photoshop Brushes preset folder, shown below.

If the brushes you have installed are showing up in the Brush settings flyout menu (shown below) but not in the Brushes panel, you probably accidentally replaced your brushes instead of appending, or your preferences were reset.

If you want to get all of your brushes back into your Brushes panel quickly, try using the Preset manager within Photoshop. Using this, you can select multiple brush files and load them in at once. Just go to Edit > Presets > Preset Manager, and hit the "Load" button.

Juruko, I'm not giving up on Photoshop (PS) just yet. As I have mentioned, somewhere in here, I have the same problem and all I read is 'Presets'. Nope, that isn't the answer. I have to use the Presets Manager to load my brushes back or use an Action (that I created) to do it that way. It just depends on my mood. I never had this problem before and sometimes, my other settings are set back to the defaults. Photoshop is a 'deep and complex' application and sometimes I feel like I am in the deep end of a pool that is dark. I will never use PS to its fullest potential but it does more than any other application I have come across and to relearn something new that may have its own issues. . . don't do it. I do not work for Adobe and I am not happy with Adobe. As far as I am concerned they broke the application.

Almost every time when I open up PS it acts different. Since I have the original brushes I have and copied the groups to several local places as well as the cloud, I just have to deal with the dang presets or run an Action (that loads all the usual brushes I created). It gets frustrating when I loose my screen settings or the Saved Documents (pictures), it is a pain. So, I created an action or two.

How can he reproduce it, it just happens, when you start photoshop, every great once and a while and you need a brush and all the brushes that you imported are no longer in your brush pallet just the default one. in my case window 10 machine and photoshop 2021 so frustrating! all the work of importing the brushes over time suddenly gone.

exacto ami pasa lo mismo, todos los dias tengo que caragr los pinceles y tengo el photoshop 2019, anteriormete me habia pasado lo mismo pero solo tenia que reistalarlo y ya esta, pero ahora se me desaparecen todos los dias, si sabes o encuentras la causa..te agradeceria is compratirias esa informacion..

i not only have the same issue, but EVERY time i close photoshop, ALL my brushes i imported disappear, and i am left spending 2 hours every time i want to use it re-importing the same brushes over and over again. there has to be a way to get this to stop happening.

Similar Issue, I made some brushes a couple weeks ago and now I can't find them. I get the impression it just reloaded the original .abr file which didn't include the new items. It seems to work fine now... but I don't think what I created before was saved anywhere.

i found the only safe way to avoid this, because i lost dozens i had worked on before i knew this would happen after upgrading, was to immediately create a file folder in the brushes tab menu, and then drag the brush right into it after you are done creating it. then before you close out ps for the day, export it to your file location of choice. i save all mine to my creative cloud file so i can access them from all my computers. cloud is best.

Well, I thought I was the only one that had 'missing' brushes. It happen to me too almost every time I close out Photoshop. Since I create most of my brushes I have a sub-directory where I have on hand the ones I created, but what a hassle. I have posted my observation in another forum and have not received a reason why. There are other concerns, but I'll wait a little longer. . . I think someone, somewhere broke Photoshop. Good Luck!

...and why does my brush panel revert back to the standard default brushes with every Adobe PS update! This is getting old old!...after customizing my brushes and adding new ones, they end up getting wiped out! How to fix this?

You may try to pick and choose the brushes you want in your library. I know personally it's a huge pain in the ass, but it worked for me. I now have a certain brush set I use for each type of job I am doing and I reexport and test brushes more frequently to see if they delete my entire library.

I just had the exact same problem!!!! terrible to loose all the new brushes I created... even going back into time machine I do not see the brushes in the preset- brushes , going back yesterday when I had all the brushes...this is nuts!!!!

Yes gone from brush panel and presets folder and an other question where do we find our self made brushes so from now on I will back them up , how to do that I am not sure, in fact we need insturction how to save the whole panel with the organsised brushes imported, the orginals and the new ones we created so its easy to recouperate the whole brush panel with all the brushes!!!!!!

Today for the second time my brushes have vanished! It's absolutely not related anything I'm doing, excepting exiting Photoshop when I'm done for the day. I turn off PS when I'm done working and the next day the brushes have vanished except for the basic set and the last few brushes I was using. I'm using PS 2020 and it's kept up to date. The first time this happened was last fall, about six months ago. Prior to this I hadn't heard about the mysterious missing brush syndrome. I had no brushes backed up in a different folder at that time, thinking (foolish me) that they were snug and secure within the Adobe folder. Hah. Well, after that learning experience I did create a backup folder for the brushes so I could quickly reimport them if it happened again. It didn't happen again until today. Yesterday's work session was nothing out of the ordinary, in fact quite ordinary. This clearly is a bug and looking at the date of the first message, it's going on for seven years. I would much rather see Adobe get this fixed rather than introducing fancy new features I'd only use once in a while, whereas brushes are practically the life blood of the program. It's a real pain to have to import the brushes because I have to sort them into the particular categories I use all over again. If anyone knows of a more expeditious way to do this I'd like to hear about it.

I made my own brushes i use for lineart and colouring but whenever i turn off the computer, the brushes get deleted or they disappear. This has happened to me multiple times and I really don't want to create the same brushes over and over again. I saved the brush presets and all, i also named them, They do appear in the brush presets but whenever i quit photoshop, it disappears.

I am having the exact same problem...!!!!!!!!!! cant find them in the presets - brushes in application , nor in the library - adobe - photoshtop 2020 cc - brushes- nothing to find...same when I go back in time machine...this is horrible!!!!!

AArrggh and again!! Just spent two days organising my brushes just the way I like then PS lost ALL of them! New brushes, folders etc. If I liked your basic brushes so much I wouldn't have bothered in the first place!

Having the same problem in the newest version of PS 21.0.3; every time I get my brushes loaded and customized, they get wiped out back to the default list when an update to PS occurs. (subscription based).....can anyone let me know how to save the brushes? I'm not seeing the "brushes" option in the dropdown list.

Update: After a bit of research I'm thinking that brushes aren't managed in the Preset Manager. I just backed up my brushes and I guess I'll drag-and-drop into the brushes panel when a PS update ocurrs and wipes everything back to defaults.

It's hopeless I've tried customer service they remotely took control of my computer said they had to tell my computer that it was ok to save the brushes which that failed to very frustrated I've had to reload all my brushes and styles 3 times this week two updates and a crash called them 3 times without a fix I'm at a loss as to how they can't figure this out. started when I switched to the cloud service thinking about going back to the disc version.

same exact problem preset managner does not have the brushes!!!!! cant find all the brushes created, find myself having to reload all the downloaded purchased brushes but cant find the ones I created...does anyone know where they might have been stored that is the brushes that I manually made?

I am having the exact same issue. I was working on a number of projects last year and earlier this year with no trouble at all. I downloaded a number of Kyle's brushes, created my own brush folders so that I could return to brushes that I particularly liked easily and was able to shut down PS and come back the following day with everything there. But this week everything keeps diappearing apart from a few standard Adobe brushes and 4 random groups of Kyle's brushes. 0852c4b9a8

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