a glorious journey

Where it all started

In 2016, three IHEC Carthage students, gathered by their love to the art of photography decided to create a new club called " photography club IHEC Carthage" and since then a new era has begun.

Our first TROPHY

In a few months since the official beginning of our activity, we were awarded our first trophy for "Dynamism and institutional implication" 2016-2017.

Dean's special award

July 2019 was a big step in our history, as a result to the hardwork and dedication along the media coverage of all of our institute's events, we were gifted with the "Dean's special award" 2018-2019.

Global entrepreneurship week

In November 2018, we were among the clubs and associations in our institute to participate in the global entrepreneurship week by organizing the most successful conference during the edition.

Needless to mention that during all the editions that were organized after this one, we were the sample for the most outstanding conference.


November 2019, a month that will forever mark our entity, during which we officially became "PHOTOGRAPHY LAB IHEC Carthage" to pursue our vision of professionalism and gaining a stronger weight in the world of photography as well as audiovisual in Tunisia.

HEC CHallenge

As a reward for our media coverage of an event that is part of our university' s identity, our club has received two certificates of merit for the HEC CHALLENGE 2019 edition as well as the 2022 edition.

HEC doctoriales

Another exceptional event for which we received a certificate of dedication and work along with a medal at the 9th edition of the Doctoriales HEC in June 2022.


The 2021-2022 school year was truly exceptional on all possible levels: studies, community life, IHEC events, and most importantly, awards.

We shared a magical time with the new IHEC alumni at the graduation ceremony until we won the "Best IHEC Club" award, and so far that night turned out to be the best night of our journey.

The best is yet to come...