Scripts (from I run blocked)

Cloaking Tabs

Name the bookmark whatever you'd like, then Choose the Favicon

javascript:(function () {document.title=prompt('Tab Cloak\n\nEnter new Tab Title:');var icon=document.querySelector('link[rel="icon"]');switch(prompt('Choose new tab icon:\n\n[1] Google Search\n[2] Google Drive\n[3] Custom URL')){case'1':icon.setAttribute('href','');break;case'2':icon.setAttribute('href','');break;case'3':icon.setAttribute ('href',prompt('Enter Custom Tab Icon URL:'))}})()

Remove YouTube ads & Restricted Mode

Create bookmarklet with the code, then use the bookmark on

javascript:(function () {if (window.location.toString().includes('{%20[1])%20}})()

Block Goguardian tab closing

This bookmarklet stops your teacher from closing your tabs via goguardian

javascript:(function () {window.onbeforeunload = function() { return 1; };})()

HTML Goggles

Allows you to edit the Raw HTMl of a Website

javascript:(function () {var script=document.createElement('script');


Extension Remover

First, go to then press this bookmarklet to remove extensions


Invert page colors

First, make a bookmarklet then press on the page you wanna invert the colors of



Developer Console

Turn into a bookmark, paste code as URL, check the bottom right of screen

javascript:(function () { var script = document.createElement('script'); script.src="//";

document.body.appendChild(script); script.onload = function () { eruda.init() } })();

About: Blank Tab Custom link

Turn code into a bookmark, type link but MUST allow popups to create tab

javascript: (function () {var url = prompt("Paste the link you want to be embedded into an about:blank page.\n

(INCLUDE https://)", "LINK HERE"); var urlObj = new window.URL(window.location.href); win =; = "0"; = "100vh"; var iframe = win.document.createElement

("iframe"); = "none"; = "100%"; = "100%"; = "0"; 

iframe.referrerpolicy = "no-referrer"; iframe.allow = "fullscreen"; iframe.src = url.toString(); win.document.body.appendChild(iframe); })();

History Flooder

Whatever Tab your Currently on, will be put into your history your desired number of times

javascript:var num=prompt("History flood amount:");done=false;x=window.location.href;for (var i=1; i<=num; i++){history.pushState(0,0, i==num?x:i.toString());if(i==num){done=true}}if(done===true){alert("History flood successful!"+window.location.href+" now appears in your history "+num+(num==1?" time.":" times."))}

Bookmark Autoclicker (100cps)

Create a new bookmark & paste this code as URL, then run the bookmark and click where u want to auto-click

javascript:var DELAY = 1;var autoClickerStyleElement = document.createElement("style");autoClickerStyleElement.innerHTML="*{cursor: crosshair !important;}";document.body.appendChild(autoClickerStyleElement);function addClicker(e) {if(!e.isTrusted) {return;}if("auto-clicker-target")){"auto-clicker-target");} else {"auto-clicker-target");}document.body.removeChild(autoClickerStyleElement);document.body.removeEventListener("click", addClicker);e.preventDefault();autoClick(;}functionautoClick(element) {if(element.classList.contains("auto-clicker-target")) {;setTimeout(function(){ autoClick(element); }, DELAY);}}document.body.addEventListener("click", addClicker, 0);

Bookmark Autoclicker (Custom CPS)

Create new bookmark & paste this code as url, then run the bookmark, choose your cps, and click where u want to autoclick

javascript:(function(x,y){if(!{!0,'crosshair';var cps=prompt('Autoclicker CPS: (Under 200 recommended)');if(!cps||isNaN(cps)?(alert(%27You entered something wrong. Try running the script again.%27),end()):alert(%27Autoclicker activated at %27+cps+%27 CPS! Do [ctrl+e] to stop.%27),addEventListener(%27mousemove%27,e=>{x=e.clientX,y=e.clientY}),addEventListener(%27keydown%27,e=>{%27e%27===e.key&&e.ctrlKey&&(alert(%27Autoclicker deactivated! Click the bookmark again to reactivate!%27),end())}), int=setInterval(function(){var e=document.elementFromPoint(x,y);e&&},1e3/cps);function end(){clearInterval(int),!1,}}})()

Editable Page

Copy code and paste as bookmark URL to make page editable

javascript:document.body.contentEditable = 'true'; document.designMode='on'; void 0

Non-Editable Page

Revert back to normal page to hide that you edited anything

javascript:document.body.contentEditable = 'false'; document.designMode='off'; void 0


Spawn a rocket ship you can control with WASD & shoot with SPACE, you can shoot words on poage for points



Clicking this bookmark, then the font you want to select will show font name, size & more details about the font

javascript:(function(){var d=document,s=d.createElement('scr'+'ipt'),b=d.body,l=d.location;s.setAttribute('src',''+encodeURIComponent(l.href)+'&t='+(new Date().getTime()));b.appendChild(s)})();

Games and stuff like that.

Edpuzzle Answers & Skip Video

Must allow popups, use the bookmarklet on the page of your edpuzzle

javascript: fetch("").then(r => r.text()).then(r => eval(r))

Google Snake Addon

Search "Google Snake" on Google, click play, then paste this code into a bookmark url and click it

javascript: req = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', '');req.onload = function() { eval(this.responseText + 'snake.more_menu();'); }; req.send();

Idle Breakout Infinite Money

Copy and paste this into the "import" box on the Idle Breakout settings page






Idle Breakout level 260464

Goes to level 260464, with no balls purchased, no upgrades, no skill points, and a lot of money


Cookie Clicker Set Cookies/Add Cookies

Game. Earn adds cookies to your total, Game. cookies sets your total cookies. press Ctrl + Shift + J for console to run

Game.Earn(cookieount); & Game.cookies=1000;

Random live webcams

Pasting this code into the address bar will meet you with multiple random cameras broadcasting their footage online

intitle:"webcamxp 5" intext: "live stream"