About 簡介

THE PURPOSE  of the Chinese Grace Baptist Church


A. To offer worship unto the Triune God

B. To seek the improvement of our members in providing true Christian fellowship and compassion for one another, and promote a “family” atmosphere that embraces newcomers

C. To preach the Gospel in order to win the lost and to teach the world for the maturing of the saints to fulfill the Great Commission

D. To cultivate spiritual growth through worship, fellowship, Bible studies, cell groups, serving God, caring for others, and prayers

E. To reach out to the Chinese on the Westside of Portland

F. To serve God with unity and harmony within the church

G. To support missionary works

A. 敬拜三位一體真神。

B. 提供真實的基督徒團契,彼此關懷,以至我們的成員有所成長;同時培養一種家庭氣氛,迎納新朋友。

C. 傳福音與失喪的人及教導信徒真道,使他們成長以完成大使命。

D. 透過崇拜、團契、查經班、細胞小組、事奉上帝、關顧、及禱告去培植屬靈成長。

E. 外展接觸在波特蘭西邊的華人。

F. 在本教會內和諧合一的事奉神。

G. 支持宣教事工。


The government of the Church is vested in the body of believers of whom it is composed. It is subject to the control of no other ecclesiastical body, but it recognizes and sustains the fellowship of mutual counsel and cooperation with the Northwest Conservative Baptist Association and the Conservative Baptist Association of America.

本教會的領導權乃轄於當中的信徒並且不受其他任何基督教機構管轄。但它認知及保持與西北保守浸信聯會 (Northwest Conservative Baptist Association) 及美洲保守浸信聯會  (Conservative Baptist Association of America) 的相互輔助和合作。