www.brighteon.com ~ references
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-- www brighteon com ~ references [ LATER MORE ] --
-- https://sites.google.com/view/saveusnow-save-us-now/homepage --
-- https://sites.google.com/view/www-brighteon-com-references/f/anthony-fauci --
-- DR. FAUCI LIED About Illegal Coronavirus Experiments in China PROOF - JAIL NOW --
https://www.roxytube.com/watch/dr-fauci-lied-about-illegal-coronavirus-experiments-in-china-proof-jail-now_HbDQlF92oOwASoM.html -- ( Click here ) -- AND ----
https://www.brighteon.com/8576938a-ee5e-4fac-8454-0d8792b5d01f -- ( Click here ) --
COVID-19 : D'après cette chercheuse les vaccins tueront 1000 fois plus que le virus lui-même (Judy Mikovits) --

-- PLEASE - CLICK - Here -- https://tube.p2p.legal/w/2321b7e6-3bf2-4cae-81ad-d72bcb235292 -- PLEASE - CLICK - Here --

-- www.brighteon.com ~ NewsClips --
https://sites.google.com/view/special-search-engine/b/www-brighteon-com-newsclips --
https://www.brighteon.com/8c0e2f88-ae71-46cf-ae2e-b7199564e276 --
Trump : This is an invasion, Biden and Democrats allowed it --

-- INTERVIEW - 揭露宇宙 - 高白人与蓝鸟人等 - spoken in English about TALL White ALIENS --
https://sites.google.com/view/special-search-engine/i/interview-揭露宇宙-高白人与蓝鸟人等-spoken-in-english-about-tall-white-aliens --
INTERVIEW - 揭露宇宙 - 高白人与蓝鸟人等 - spoken in English about TALL White ALIENS --
SOURCE www bilibili com : https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV18z4y1Z782 --
-- https://www.brighteon.com/79f7b506-7dd3-4507-b441-25274ed3173c --
-- https://sites.google.com/view/www-brighteon-com-references/homepage --

-- https://sites.google.com/view/secrets-of-war --
https://video.search.yahoo.com/search/video;_ylt=AwrE19VfBVJhb0oAMlJXNyoA;_ylu=Y29sbwNiZjEEcG9zAzEEdnRpZAMEc2VjA3Nj?p=secrets+of+war+tv&fr=yfp-t-s --
YOUTUBE -- Secrets of War - Full Episodes -- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs9QzKWk2GrYSfSF3yuqVug --
YOUTUBE -- Free Documentary - History -- https://www.youtube.com/c/FreeDocumentaryHistory/videos --
《揭露宇宙》 - 高白人与蓝鸟人等 , INTERVIEW - spoken in English about TALL White ALIENS --
https://www.brighteon.com/79f7b506-7dd3-4507-b441-25274ed3173c --
Timeline - World History Documentaries (Click on next Link) --

-- https://www.youtube.com/c/TimelineChannel/videos --
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https://support.brighteon.com/donate.html -- --


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-- The Cosmic Secret | Featuring David Wilcock (FULL MOVIE) --

-- The Cosmic Secret | Featuring David Wilcock (FULL MOVIE) --
Author David Wilcock and an array of researchers, scientists and archaeologists offer their perspectives on humanity's long-lost cosmic origins.

For time immemorial we have looked to the stars for answers to unlock our past. We have interpreted prophecy with the hope of predetermining our future, and yet questions remain. Who are we? Why are we here and what is our destiny? In "The Cosmic Secret," David Wilcock & Corey Goode, along with researchers, scientists, and archeologists, try to answer these very questions. --

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-- Since there are no primary sources regarding the pyramids, any information presented during the walk regarding their age and original function is based on theory and not to be taken as fact. This was filmed starting at 8:30am on January 20th, 2019. 🎧For an even more immersive experience, be sure to put on your headphones and listen in 3D audio.


🗺️Map of the Walk - https://shorturl.at/suzIP🗺️

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▼▼Video Timeline Links▼▼

00:31 - Walking Tour Map

01:14 - Mortuary Temple of Khafre

02:43 - Pyramid of Khafre

22:21 - Pyramid of Khufu

24:00 - Eastern Cemetery

1:07:10 - Horse Ride Timelapse

1:09:04 - Pyramid of Menkaure

1:29:35 - Khafre Causeway

1:36:40 - Sphinx



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►E-mail: travel@prowalks.com

No part of this video may be used for personal or private use without written permission from Prowalk Tours.

#Prowalktours #Walkingtour #Pyramids

-- 4 Vaccines comparison - 4 種疫苗的比較 [ In memory of Tiffany Dover WHO DIED ] R.I.P. --
