Organized locally in solidarity with the Zinn Education Project (coordinated by Rethinking Schools and Teaching for Change) and Black Lives Matter at School's National Call for Action.

Lawmakers in at least 15 states are advocating for a ban on teaching the truth about the role of racism, sexism, heterosexism, and oppression throughout U.S. history. Learn about the bills here.


1) Pledge to Teach the Truth!

TO EDUCATORS: Educators, sign the Pledge to Teach the Truth.

TO ALLIES AND SUPPORTERS: Support young people in becoming critical thinkers. Show solidarity with educators.

TO LEGISLATORS: Tell your legislators we do not accept bills that would censor and force educators to lie.

Add a submission to the map of an historical event, place or person that is underrepresented in WV history or teaches the truth about WV history. All submissions will be reviewed before being placed on the map. This is a resource that can be used to #TeachTheTruth in your communities and classrooms.

3) Capture Truth

Select a site in your community that symbolizes or reflects history that teachers would be required to lie about or omit if these bills become law, which is already the case in some states. (It could be identified by an historic marker, statue, archive, burial ground, or museum.) Then go to the site and take a photo with your pledge at the location. Then, document your pledge by posting any photos or videos to our #WVTeachTruth solidarity wall using the hashtags: #TeachTruth #WVTeachTruth #WeWontLie

4) Attend Virtual Event

Attend virtual workshop on Saturday, June 12th at 2:00 pm to learn about #MapTheTruth and avenues for resisting against future West Virginia Legislation such as Senate Bill 618 and HB 2595.


Stay in solidarity, request to join our listserv for up-to-date information about the campaign and future organizing efforts
