2021 PSA Winners

Disclaimer: These PSAs represent examples of climate messaging, and you can sense the urgency conveyed so well through these creative works. We also want to clarify some important facts that may not be clear in these videos. In particular, we want to state that climate change causes shifting weather patterns, including increased rainfall in West Virginia, which leads to increased risk of flooding, which may destroy homes. There is no guarantee that any one flooding event will be linked to climate change, but there is evidence that the trend of increase floods (and flood damage) is linked to climate change (ref: Scientific American). Additionally, we would like to clarify that, while the Yale Climate Opinion maps represent an important reference check for our community members' perceptions, the fact remains that 97% of scientists agree climate change is happening (ref: NASA).

Note: We also love these "Stand Up for Climate Change" Comedy clips!

2021 PSA Video Winners

1st Video Ashlyn Bennington.mov

1st- Ashlyn Bennington

Fairmont Senior High

2nd Video Ty Eller.mp4

2nd- Ty Eller

Wyoming East High

3rd Video Amy Vest.mp4

3rd- Amy Vest

Wyoming East High

Honorable Mention Vido Alyssa Tilley, Peyton Phillips, Chloe Prichard.mp4

Honorable Mention

Alyssa Tilley, Peyton Phillips, and Chloe Prichard

Wyoming East High

2021 PSA Audio Winners

1st Audio Ty Eller.mp3

1st -Ty Eller

Wyoming East High

2nd Audio Elizabeth Gallaher.m4a

2nd -Elizabeth Gallaher

Clay County Middle

3rd Audio Savannah Brehm.m4a

3rd- Savannah Brehm

Wyoming East High

Honorable Mention Audio Timothy Dalton & Zariana Negron.m4a

Honorable Mention

Timothy Dalton & Zariana Negron

Greenbrier West High