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Two-Dimensional Quantum Matter and Devices

(May 04, 2022) tWTe2 (5 degree) - The Luttinger liquid model of 1D electronic systems provides a powerful tool for understanding strongly correlated physics, e.g., the phenomena of spin-charge separation. In a recent experiment led by Pengjie and Guo, we have found that twisted bilayer WTe2 (tWTe2), stacked at a small interlayer twist angle (~ 5 degree), hosts a 2D array of 1D electronic channels. Transport measurements reveal Luttinger liquid behaviors in such a 2D anisotropic phase. We are excited about the results because they are expanding the Luttinger liquid physics from 1D to 2D systems and are potentially relevant to various coupled-wire models!

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One Dimensional Luttinger Liquids in a Two Dimensional Moire Lattice (arXiv, Nature 2022)

(Oct 21, 2020) Congratulations: Our first work - on the surprising observation of Landau quantization in the insulator state of monolayer WTe2 - is now accepted to Nature! Congratulations to Pengjie, Guo and Yanyu!!! A lot of hard work!

This has triggered a lot of excitement in our lab to search for very exotic quantum particles and phases hidden in insulators, including ground-state excitons, charge neutral fermions and fractionalized insulators. Fascinating new opportunities offered by 2D crystals and devices! 

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Our Paper on Landau Quantization in the Monolayer Insulator (Nature, 2021) (Princeton University News)

Our Paper on the Monolayer Excitonic Insulator (Nature Physics 2021) 

(Oct 25, 2018) Monolayer WTe2: In this 2D crystal, two interesting quantum states of matter – topological insulator and superconductor – can be chosen at will!  -- Ready for Majorana? Let's see. 

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Our paper on 2D topological insulator (Science, 2018) 

Our paper on tunable superconductor (Science, 2018)