Please first look at the faq and ask page before sending me any questions or reports! Your question might have already been answered there.

There is no link for an episode I want to watch, what do I do?

That means that there is no translation for the episode yet. I haven't had the time yet to translate all the episodes. For now all of season 1, episode 1 of season 2, episodes 1-9 of season 3 and episode 1-2 of season 4 should have a link to the translation.

When will the other episodes be translated?

I have quite a busy life, so I can't tell you when I will have time to translate. My first priority is the clips, so the episodes may take a little longer.

There is no link for an episode you said is already translated, what do I do?

Please use the "report a broken or missing link" button. But please first look if it's really missing or just not translated yet! You can also message me on Tumblr or Twitter.

I clicked on a link and it's going nowhere, what do I do?

Please use the "report a broken or missing link" button. You can also message me on Tumblr or Twitter. Please, describ the issue with as much details as you can. That will help me fixing the problem.

I can't watch a video on Google Drive, what do I do?

Google Drive has a limit of views for a certain time. When the playback limit is reached, you can't watch the video online. You can however download the video or watch the video on Mega. If it's not possible to download the video on Google Drive, please use the "report a broken or missing link" button. You can also message me on Tumblr or Twitter.

I can't watch a video on Mega, what do I do?

Sometimes watching a video on Mega works only on your laptop or on your phone. So, first try watching it on another device. You can also download the video through Mega or watch it on Google Drive. If this still doesn't work, please use the "report a broken or missing link" button. You can also message me on Tumblr or Twitter.

I have another question that's not on here, what do I do?

You can send me a question using the "feedback/questions" button, or you can message me on Tumblr and Twitter. Please first look on the "feedback/questions" page if your question hasn't been answered already. Note that I won't answer any questions regarding my opinion on the show.