Privacy Policy

WSM INFOTECH built this Android Application as an Ad Supported app. This SERVICE is provided by WSM INFOTECH at no cost and is intended for use as is. This page is used to inform visitors regarding our policies with the collection, use, and disclosure of Personal Information if anyone decided to use our Service.

We respect your privacy

    1. We respect the privacy rights of our users & are committed to protecting the information collected through its online products, online services and websites. We have adopted this privacy policy ("Privacy Policy") to explain how we collect, store, and use the information collected in connection with our services.
    2. By installing, using, accessing the services, you agree to this privacy policy and give an explicit and informed consent to the processing of your data in accordance with this privacy policy. If you do not agree to this privacy policy, please do not install, use or otherwise access these services.

What kind of Information we collect

    1. Personal Information. We do not collect any Personal Information. "Personal Information" is information that identifies you or another person, which may be transmitted or received when you use an Application, the Services and/or the Site.
    2. Non-personal identification. We may collect non-personal identification information about users whenever they interact with our apps. Non-personal identification information may include the type of your phone and technical information about users means of connection to our apps, such as the versions of phone model and other similar information.
    3. The app does use third party services that may collect information used to identify you. following services are used inside application:
      1. Google Play Services.
      2. AdMob (Google Inc.)
      3. Firebase Remote Config (Google Inc.)
      4. Firebase Dynamic Links (Google Inc.)
      5. Firebase Cloud Messaging (Google Inc.)
      6. Firebase In-App Messaging (Google Inc.)
      7. Google Analytics for Firebase (Google Inc.)
      8. Crashlytics/Firebase Crash Reporting (Google Inc.)

Various types of Data collected by these services is as specified in the privacy policy of the respective service.

Session and Usage Data: "Session and Usage Data" is information about your use of an Application, the Services and/or the Site and includes, without limitation, connection and service-related data submitted to us through your use of an Application, the Services or the Site.

Log Data: We want to inform you that whenever you use our Service, in a case of an error in the app we collect data and information (through third party products) on your phone called Log Data. This Log Data may include information such as your device Internet Protocol (“IP”) address, device name, operating system version, the configuration of the app when utilizing our Service, the time and date of your use of the Service, and other statistics.

Cookies: Cookies are files with a small amount of data that are commonly used as anonymous unique identifiers. These are sent to your browser from the websites that you visit and are stored on your device's internal memory. This Service does not use these “cookies” explicitly. However, the app may use third party code and libraries that use “cookies” to collect information and improve their services. You have the option to either accept or refuse these cookies and know when a cookie is being sent to your device. If you choose to refuse our cookies, you may not be able to use some portions of this Service.


    1. Personal Information- since we do not collect any Personal Information, we may not use your personal information in any way.
    2. Non- Personal Information. We may use non-Personal Information for any purpose as below:
      1. personalize user experience - We may use your non-personal Information to understand demographics, customer interest, and other trends among our Users.
      2. help develop our service - We may use non-personal Information to provide, maintain, improve and modify the Applications, Services and the Site and develop new services.
      3. further develop business - We may use non-personal Information for promotion and marketing purposes.

Permission policy

Some time we are required to take permission like.

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" /> 
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.SEND_SMS"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CALL_PHONE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>

This permissions can help us to get resources from our server such as updates and check network connection...


We may use collected data for purposes of analysing usage of the services, providing customer and technical support, managing and providing services (including managing advertisement serving) and to further develop the services and other ‘Wsm Infotech services and products.

DATA STORAGE: All data is stored in individual’s android device. It is not accessible by us. Only user can manipulate it.

RETENTION TIME: The data containing non-personal information is kept for the time necessary to provide the service requested by the user, or stated by the purposes outlined in this document, and the user can always request us to remove the data.

THIRD PARTIES: Our Application may, from time to time, have links to other applications or websites not owned or controlled by us. These links are meant for your convenience only. Links to third party applications and websites do not constitute sponsorship or endorsement or approval of these third parties. Please be aware that ‘Wsm Infotech is not responsible for the privacy practices of other such applications or websites. We encourage our users to be aware, when they leave our Application or website, to read the privacy statements of each and every application or website that collects your information.


We may work with analytics companies to help us understand how the Application is being used, such as the duration of usage. We work with advertisers and third-party advertising networks, who need to know how you interact with advertising provided in the Application. Advertisers and advertising networks use some of the information collected by the Application, including, but not limited to, the unique identification ID of your mobile device. These third parties may also obtain anonymous information about other applications you’ve downloaded to your mobile device, the mobile websites you visit, your non-precise location information (e.g., your zip code), and other non- precise location information in order to help analyse and serve anonymous targeted advertising on the Application and elsewhere.

OPT OUT RIGHT: You can stop all collection of information by the Application easily by uninstalling the Application. You may use the standard uninstall processes as may be available as part of your mobile device or via the mobile application marketplace.

SECURITY: We are concerned about safeguarding the confidentiality of your information. We provide physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to protect non-personal information we process and maintain. But remember that no method of transmission over the internet, or method of electronic storage is 100% secure and reliable, and we cannot guarantee its absolute security.

CHILDREN’S PRIVACY: These Services do not address anyone under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children under 13.

INFORMATION NOT CONTAINED IN THIS POLICY: More details concerning the collection or processing of data may be requested from us at any time. Please see the contact information at the end of this document.

CHANGES TO PRIVACY POLICY: Please be aware that we may change this Privacy Policy in the future. We may modify this Privacy Policy at any time, in our sole discretion and all modifications will be effective immediately upon our posting of the modifications on our website. Please check back from time to time to review our Privacy Policy. If a user objects to any of the changes to the Policy, the user must cease using this Application. By continuing to access or use our App after those revisions become effective, you agree to be bound by the revised terms.

QUESTIONS: If any questions about this Privacy Policy Feel free to contact us. we will take action on it as soon as possible.

NOTE: This is subject to change without notice, from time to time. Stay tumed on this site for updates in privacy policy. If you do not agree with these privacy policy, Please do not download or access this App.