Yasmeen, Amelia, Maryam and Connor making wooden signs!

Jonathan and Kori taking crayons out of molds. Angel, Ms. Sarah, Joe, and Zoey delivering coffee for our Spartan Cafe. Ms. Tran, Natan, Rayyan, Alvin, and Mrs. Warren sorting crayons.

Rayyan peeling crayons. Alvin and Natan organizing crayon letters.

Luke, Ale, Connor, and Tim filling letter molds.

Marlee, Bryce, Ian, and Yasmeen sorting and peeling crayons. Natan putting crayons in the oven to start making letters!

Alvin sorting crayons. Natan cleaning out molds. Kedus peeling crayons. Aida filling molds. 

Jonah and Ms. Tran putting crayons in molds. Kori peeling crayons. Marlee and Myles sorting crayons.

Maryam, Marlee, Isabel and Marlon working hard at their community jobsite, Macy's.

Isabel, Brandon, Maryam, Yasmeen, Joe, Angel and Marlee cooking in Life Skills class.

Some of our hardworking crew enjoying Homecoming. Yasmeen was voted Homecoming Queen by the entire student body!

We snuck in a few pictures from Ballin' with Buddies, our Buddies Club basketball tournament. We work hard and play hard!