Woochoel Shin

Brian R. Gamache Professor and Associate Professor of Marketing,

Warrington College of Business, University of Florida

Online Advertising

1. “The Company that You Keep: When to Buy a Competitor’s Keyword,” (with Preyas Desai and Richard Staelin), Marketing Science, 33(4), 485-508, 2014. [pdf] 

2. “Keyword Search Advertising and First-Page Bid Estimates: A Strategic Analysis,” (with Wilfred Amaldoss and Preyas Desai), Management Science, 61(3), 507-519, 2015. [pdf] [Online Appendix]

3. “Keyword Search Advertising and Limited Budgets,” Marketing Science, 34(6), 882-896, 2015. [pdf] [Online Appendix]

4. “A Theory of Irrelevant Advertising: An Agency-Induced Targeting Inefficiency” (with Jiwoong Shin), Management Science, 69(8), 4481-4497. [pdf] [Online Appendix]

Media Platforms

1. “Media Platforms’ Content Provision Strategy and Sources of Profits” (with Wilfred Amaldoss and Jinzhao Du), Marketing Science, 40(3), 527-547, 2021. [pdf] [Online Appendix]

2. “Pricing Strategy of Competing Media Platforms,” (with Wilfred Amaldoss and Jinzhao Du), Marketing Science, 43(3), 469-496, 2024. [pdf] [Online Appendix]

3. "Content Provision on UGC Platforms," (with Wilfred Amaldoss), under the second-round review at Management Science. [pdf] 

4. “Product Placement Advertising in Online Games: Implications of Social Interactions” (with Jinhong Xie and Huazhong Zhao), working paper.

Online Consumer Reviews

1. “The Fateful First Consumer Review” (with Sungsik Park and Jinhong Xie), Marketing Science, 40(3), 481-507, 2021. [pdf] [Online Appendix] [Replication Files]

2. “Disclosure in Incentivized Reviews: Does It Protect Consumers?”  (with Sungsik Park and Jinhong Xie), Management Science, 69(11), 6417-7150. [pdf] [Online Appendix] [Replication Files]

3. "Consumer Reviews and Price Sensitivity" (with Sungsik Park), working paper.

Competitive Product and Pricing Strategies

1. “Competing for Low-end Markets,” (with Wilfred Amaldoss), Marketing Science, 30(5), 776-788, 2011. [pdf] [Online Appendix]

2. “Multi-Tier Store Brands and Channel Profits,” (with Wilfred Amaldoss), Journal of Marketing Research, 52(6), 754-767, 2015. [pdf] [Online Appendix]

3. “Store Brands and Channel Coordination” (with Wilfred Amaldoss), working paper

4. “Store Brands and Category Captaincy” (with Wilfred Amaldoss), working paper