Call for papers

Both women and men are invited to collaborate and attend to this track. It will be welcome students, industry professionals, academics, and other leaders in computing to promote networking and technical discussion to motivate the participation and visibility of women and to discuss the impact of diversity management in the Software Architecture field.

We are looking for your contributions in two categories:

  • Summaries, challenges, and studies regarding the role of women in Software Architecture (up to 4 pages)
  • Technical papers (up to 8 pages) about
    • Software Architectures that have been conducted or supervised by women
    • Impact of feminine expertise in the Software Architecture field
    • Experiences on diversity management in Software Architectures in research and industry
    • Software Architectures that have been constructed or managed with teams in which diversity is one of their characteristics.
    • Results of research SA groups led by women or characterized by the diversity .

All contributions will undergo a peer-review process. Accepted papers will be included in the ECSA2017 Companion by ACM ICPS.

Important Dates

Submission deadline June 30, 2017

Notification July 17, 2017

Camera-ready due July 28, 2017