The Second ECSA Track for Women in Software Architecture
Internet and the new era of information society makes software to be mainly oriented to society services and ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) to access to universal knowledge in a globalized World. This World is characterized by its diversity. Diversity plays a key role to have success and be competitive and innovative in software development. It may appear in different ways and perspectives and their combinations: gender, culture, religion, allocation of human resources in different countries, domains, etc.
In the case of gender diversity, the role of women in the Computing area has gained more and more importance with the emerging information age. In this scenario, following the success of last year edition, the special track on “Women in Software Architecture” co-located with ECSA 2017 will bring together students, young and senior researchers, as well as practitioners to present, share, and celebrate their technical accomplishments and experiences making research and/or working in the Software Architecture field. There will be a mix of technical presentations and a panel to discuss about current and future issues in the field by leading experts from industry and academia. It is our pleasure to invite you to the special track of “Women in Software Architecture” @ECSA 2017!