The 2nd Workshop on 

Challenges and Opportunities in Network Medicine and Multi Omics bioinformatics’ approaches for studying human complex diseases 

held in conjunction with IEEE BIBM 2024 - December 3-6, 2024, Lisboa, Portugal

Workshop Organizers and Program Chairs

Prof. Paola Paci, Department of Computer, Control, and Management Engineering "Antonio Ruberti", Sapienza University of Rome (DIAG-Sapienza)

Dr. Giulia Fiscon, Department of Computer, Control, and Management Engineering "Antonio Ruberti", Sapienza University of Rome (DIAG-Sapienza)

Dr. Federica Conte, Institute for system analysis and computer science "Antonio Ruberti", National Research Council of Rome (IASI-CNR)

Brief description

The functioning of living organisms is controlled by highly complex networks of interacting molecular components like signal transduction, protein-protein interaction, metabolic and gene regulatory networks. Disease analysis has recently undergone a paradigm shift due to the unprecedented amount of multiple omics data produced and the introduction of network science which moved understanding of disease etiology and progression from the level of single molecules to perturbations upon the complex intracellular network. The new emerging paradigm of “Network Medicine” proposes to utilize insights gained from network topology to understand better the pathogenic behaviour of complex molecular interconnections that traditional methods fail to recognize. As methodologies evolve, network medicine has the potential to capture the molecular complexity of human diseases, while offering computational methods to discern how such complexity can control disease manifestations, prognosis, and therapy. Network-based methods for predicting individual manifestations of human disease and designing rational therapies have been spotlighted as necessary tools toward a precision medicine. Furthermore, network medicine represents a fertile ground on which to develop multi-omics data integration approaches that can pay the way for a better comprehension of biological systems and enable more robust disease classification and discovery of biomarkers and drug targets.

Following the ever-growing progresses and new insights in this cutting-edge field, we propose the 2nd international workshop on challenges and opportunities in Network Medicine and Multi-Omics bioinformatics’ approaches for studying human complex diseases held in conjunction with the 2024 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM). The aim of this workshop will be: (i) highlight novel research in the area of network science and complex systems coupled with its application to biology, medicine, and pharmacology; (ii) bring together researchers from disciplines related to Computational Biology and Medicine, System Biology, Bioinformatics, and Health informatics to share their research findings and their insights; (iii) provide a networking opportunity for collaborations in regional, national, EU and international research programmes; and (iv) serve as a forum for participants to discuss the challenges and the opportunities that lie ahead.

Research topics 

Potential topics include, but are not limited to:

Important dates

Workshop schedule

Program Committee Members 

Paola Paci

Sapienza University of Rome 

Giulia Fiscon

Sapienza University of Rome

Federica Conte

National Research Council of Rome 

Mario Guarracino

University of Cassino and Southern Lazio 

Pasquale Sibilio

Sapienza University of Rome

Matteo Pallocca

IRCCS Istituto Nazionale Tumori Regina Elena (IFO)

Vincenzo Bonnici

University of Parma

Federico Papa

National Research Council of Rome


Publications: Alongside Conference. All accepted papers will be included in the main conference proceedings which are included in the IEEE digital library indexed by Google Scholar and Scopus.