Current News 

 It's a brand new year, and we're looking forward to great things! Welcome back!  Here is where you'll be able to find all things WRPTO-- forms, meeting minutes, current events and news!  Important forms for committees and volunteering can be found under the "Forms Tab." To volunteer for activities during the school day, all volunteers must have an FBI background check on file with the main office and a $10 paid membership. This year Berlin Graphics and Apparel was kind enough to create PTO volunteer T-shirts for sale. You can use the following link to order and wear at the events: PTO Volunteer Shirt 

Exciting dates ahead: 

WRPTO Committees

For any paid member of PTO interested in being on a committee, please contact a board member at any time. Duties that a committee person may have, consist of behind the scenes work, assisting a chairperson in planning, decorating, organizing volunteers, seeking volunteers or anything pertaining to that event. The opportunity to become part of your child's scholastic learning experience only comes once! Here are the events we typically host:

WRPTO Events

PTO Memberships

Western Reserve membership drive

Spring Auction

 Save the date for Saturday, March 25th, 2023!! This is our BIGGEST event of the year!!! We are able to raise most of our fundraising money at this one main event, to provide all of our PTO activities and senior scholarships! 

Santa's Workshop

We invite grades K-5 to schedule a time and come do some Christmas shopping! Grades 6-8 are allowed to come as their schedules/teachers permit.

Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week

Each year in May, we CELEBRATE our teachers and staff by showing our appreciation to them for one week.

Classroom Parties

Holiday room parties for grades K-5th 

Special Person's Week

Each year our students are able to invite a very special person of their choice to enjoy lunch and games with! The Scholastic book fair is also included in this special week.