

Best practices for spirituality

Do pranayama : pranayam is way to cotrol breathing by practicing pranayama one can cleanse all the energy chankras in the body there are basically 7 main chakras or wheel of energy in the body .

It cleanses the two main nadis called ida nadi and pingala nadi there are 8 type of pranayama available according to vedic sastra


Eat light and full of life raw food it will increase the pranic energy


Be with some one who also practices spiritualization find a spiritual partner

I know that this community consists of subscribers from every background. I am so very grateful for that fact. And I must be quick to say this post isn't an endorsement of any faith. Rather, my hope is just to prompt each of us to consider the use of spirituality in our everyday lives. And cause us to embrace the journey as opposed to shy away from it.

Whether we've intentionally pursued maybe or a spirituality, our faith have a profound effect on our lives. Consciously or subconsciously, it affects us in countless ways. Consider the way that it influences our understanding of how...

A Beginner's Guide to Exploring Spirituality

1. Respect those who have gone before. The search to understand spirituality is as old as humanity itself. Billions have gone and have spent hundreds of hours seeking spirituality. Don`t overlook their attempts. Take into account their writings and their customs --people outside the faith you have become accustomed to.

3. Right where you're. We all have unique gifts of character: empathy, bliss, self-discipline, enjoy, etc.. Use them. Are you facing a trial in life (disease, loss, rejection)? Use it as inspiration. Lao-tzu once said, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." He was right in every regard. Begin your journey.

I recognize spirituality could be a touchy topic that arouses strong opinions disagreements, and unspeakable emotional wounds. I feel the quotation above holds true. There is nothing more fundamental to our lives than our comprehension of spirituality. And it is a dialogue we need to participate in much more frequently than people do.

Because it plays, you will never repent any moment spent furthering your understanding of the Universe. Whether you've not attempted, spend time regular seeking one specific God, or even have attempted but given up, allow me to offer seven start measures which are central to our personal exploration of childbirth.

Our comprehension of spirituality carries great influence. Because of this, one is its exploration.

Ourselves. Is He happy with me or mad at me? Who am I When there's no God? So where did I orginate? Are lives equal? If so, on what foundation? What's my obligation to look after others? The world around us. In what particular ways should we care about the planet and the environment ? Can our inspiration in this regard more significant than survival of these species? And if this is so, how do we as individuals interact with it? Can there be a moral set of fact for the universe established by a higher power? Or is it morality determined by each person? Evil. What am I to know about the suffering and evil on earth? Is it for a reason? To what extent if I try to counteract it? Money. Can the universe give money/status to some and not others? Or is money/status earned by the individual? What if I do with this once I get it? Can I hold any obligation to take care of people with less? Afterlife. Could there be life after death? Is death something to be feared or welcomed? And either way should I'm preparing for it today?

2. Your travel must be your very own. You alone must be the decision-maker to your view of God. You should not blindly accept the teachings of a different (even your closest mentor or parent). Your heart must ring true and also your soul must rejoice on your spirituality--or it is worthless.

4. Ask God for Assistance. By this I mean, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain from making the petition. Your salvation may be answered by him, When there is a God. And if there's not any God, of producing the request, the process will function to help concentrate your senses and want.

5. Like everything else in life, spiritual development is mastered through training. In the event you do not find your answers take some more in a way that is different. It will need time, effort, and energy. However, given its influence on our lives, it is worth the effort in the end.

6. Don't be fearful of questions. Though leaving questions may seem against the goal of the pursuit, we shouldn't be fearful of these. These questions can cause a few to abandon the trip. And if our spirituality needs to make sense of our heart's deepest questions, it might appear unreasonable to think our heads could fathom all the mysteries of this universe.