Welcome to Writer's Worskhop!

Lesson by Anna Wanner and Claire Nelson

Welcome 4th grade to your Writer's Workshop!

This website was designed to aid you along every step of the writing process - from brainstorming to creating your final draft. By the end of this workshop you will be able to confidently approach the writing process, by engaging in self-reflection both at the beginning and the end of the workshop, as well as participating in a variety of activities along the way. How you as students respond to this workshop will let Ms. Wanner and Ms. Nelson know how you are feeling about the writing process and where you could benefit from some more instruction.

Our hope for this tool is that you can reference back to it whenever you get a new writing assignment and need support in any or all areas of the writing process! Think of this as your tool box that you can continue to pull from as we develop our writing skills throughout the rest of the school year.

Work through the pages as they are listed from top to bottom in the menu. Take your time and have fun! Write On!