About Me

First of all, the photo to the left is from the night I cosplayed as Agent Peggy Carter (AKA the best day of my life so far). Which brings me to my first bit about myself: I am a huge nerd. I love superheroes (Marvel over DC but I'm not ashamed to admit I saw Wonder Woman twice). I have a bit of an obsession with Iron Man and, as you might be able to tell, Peggy Carter.

In elementary school I won the school-wide spelling bee and got a certificate of participation. This, fortunately, did not discourage me much as English has always been my favorite class (except for my freshman year of high school when I got a C, we don't talk about that). I've technically been writing since 6th or 7th grade (but only my closest friends get to read that. Two words: fan fiction). During my junior year of high school my English teacher asked if I'd rather read a novel with the rest of the class or write my own novel. Spoiler alert: I wrote my own. (I did attempt to read the novel but couldn't get past the part where they strapped a puppy to a bomb and well... you get the picture). That was my first year doing National Novel Writing Month and I hope to do it for years to come.

This year's project is Earth-75. I'd love to tell you what it's about but frankly, I don't know anymore. It started as a story about a dimension-hopping college student but by the end of November was simply 50k words of nonsense. Currently, I'm creating Pinterest boards for all the characters and trying to organize all my ideas into something that resembles a story. If I ever pin down the plot (pun unintended), I'll add a short synopsis somewhere on this site.