What is WritEng?

WritEng is a writing project and it is also a new article-sharing platform created by the Department of English, National Chengchi University, in 2022. It has two goals – first, it aims to archive our department magazine, the ONE Magazine (and the later the ONE Online Blog), that started around 2002 and has ceased publication since 2016. Second, it is now a web-based platform and also a Facebook club that invites new submission of writing by all members of our department. It will serve as an avenue to share writing products, writing ideas, and even creative work. These products were often produced as part of the classwork and they might disappear after a class ended. By encouraging students to share their writing online, their writing will be remembered in a different way on this website. The name of this platform –WritEng (‘Write’ and ‘English’) – and its cover are all creative products of our students. The webpage is also administered by the students.

「WritEng」是一個寫作計畫,也是一個由國立政治大學英國語文學系自2022年新創建的文章分享平台,此平台由本系學生設計網頁封面,同時也負責後台管理。平台名稱「WritEng」即為「寫(write)」和「英語(English)」兩個單詞的融合,充分展現此平台創設的兩大目標:其一,WritEng重新整理本系編輯的ONE 雜誌。(ONE紙本雜誌大約自2002開始出版,於2021至2016年間轉型成網路部落格(Our News in English),於2016停刊。)此平台把紙本雜誌經掃描、結合網路部落格資源,以電子形式保存、於平台上供人參閲。其二,WritEng 以Facebook社團的形式,系上師生能於此分享佳作、討論寫作、甚而新興寫作,提供系上所有成員交流分享;此外,也鼓勵學生在平台上分享作品,期望課堂作業的創意發想與成果,能以不同的方式紀錄。