I was just watching a random video of a random college sophomore and he just spoke beautifully. I have 2 college degrees but he made me feel stupid. I just cannot speak or write as well as this kid. How can I improve how I write and speak?

I think I write a little better than I speak. I sometimes do not use the correct usage of grammar when I speak because I'm just lazy. However, when I write, I try to make sure that I use proper English grammar so that my readers can understand what I am trying to say. That is a great question!

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English is my second language. But I think I write in English better than I speak. I went to English immersion schools, so my written English is very good. I also speak fluent English, but with an accent. So, I'm not sure if people listening to me are smiling because what I'm saying is amusing, or they don't understand what I'm saying, and are just being polite.

Writing is definitely easier for me. For some reason I'm able to express myself better than when I'm speaking. When I speak I usually mess up every word I try and say because talking to people I don't know makes me nervous and even people that I do know, the same thing seems to happen. But when I write, it's completely opposite but I guess that's just because I have time to think about what point I'm trying to get across whereas in speaking you have to answer right away.

I write better than I talk. I have no filter when the words come out, but when I write, I proofread and I am more aware. I can see the words when I write. Plus, no one sees the words i write until I approve it. If i thought everytime before I spoke, it would take forever for me to say something.

I write better because I have a chance to think about what I want to say. Sometimes when I verbalize I forget important aspects of what I'm trying to say. I actually think I put more emotion in my writing than in my spoken word when there's a lot to say.

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A handsome young knight is madly in love with a princess

And she too is in love with him

Though she seems not to be entirely aware of it

Despite the friendship that blossoms between them or

Perhaps because of that very friendship

The young knight finds himself

So humbled and speechless

That he's totally unable to bring up the subject of his love

Till one day he asks the princess point blank

Is it better to speak or to die?

i first came across this question, like everybody else, watching \u2018Call Me By Your Name\u2019 on a late spring evening with my mum. easily one of our most tenderly shared moments together. i could write an entirely separate essay on the beauty of this film, but i won\u2019t, or i fear i will never reach a conclusion. i gave my mum a scripted excerpt from the movie for her birthday, and it lives quietly in the corner of our living room. a heartbreakingly poetic monologue in which elio\u2019s father speaks to him about unconditional love. now, it exists in our space as a continuous reminder of the beautiful relationship i share with my mother, and how much i adore her. again, i could write another essay on that, but my love and words are never ending.

in the movie, elio first hears \u2018is it better to speak or to die?\u2019 on a late spring evening, when his mother reads to him a translation from \u2018Heptam\u00E9ron\u2019, whilst gently and soothingly stroking his head.

A handsome young knight is madly in love with a princess

And she too is in love with him

Though she seems not to be entirely aware of it

Despite the friendship that blossoms between them or

Perhaps because of that very friendship

The young knight finds himself

So humbled and speechless

That he's totally unable to bring up the subject of his love

Till one day he asks the princess point blank

Is it better to speak or to die?

in my humbling experiences of being the designated \u2018single friend\u2019, i am equally as qualified and unqualified to raise this idea of a middle ground. watching over successful and disastrous relationships as a bystander has shown me evidence of a limbo where nobody speaks, but nobody dies either. i don\u2019t think the question was ever made to exist on a spectrum, but evolution has rendered new types of love and connection. everybody loves a shakespearean tragedy. there is nothing more horny than the betrayal portrayed in \u2018Othello\u2019 or the existential despair in \u2018Hamlet\u2019. if being the \u2018single friend\u2019 has taught me anything, it\u2019s that modern day love is just a contemporary, live-action shakespearean play.2 however, if you think of the question as simply as it is written, \u2018is it better to speak or to die?\u2019, is it appropriate to add a sub-section? or is that just the easier way out to answering this paradoxical mystery?

this is my lightbulb moment. after all the countless backspaces, all the replays of the soundtrack, and turnovers in my mind. i may have figured out my perspective. what if, \u2018is it better to speak or die?\u2019 isn\u2019t a question at all, but rather an answer itself. say if this middle ground does exist, which clearly the evidence is not lacking to say it does, isn\u2019t that simply the answer? neither elio nor oliver speak or die, yet simultaneously their actions speak for themselves and [spoiler alert: their feelings die at the end.] is it better to speak or to die? or, can you do both and neither simultaneously? when the handsome young knight asks the princess \u201Cis it better to speak or to die?\u201D he is simply asking her what he should do, he is already confessing his feelings indirectly. so really, the paradox does not solve itself. because as humans, sometimes our love for another is too complex to be put simply.

When you write, you have time to think carefully about the words that you want to use. Is it better to write maybe or is it better to write perhaps? Does it sound better if you add nevertheless to the beginning of the sentence?

It is much easier to use new vocabulary in your writing than in your speech. After all, you are in control of what you write. When you speak, however, the other person has at least some control over the conversation.

Listen and write. Find an audio clip, such as a podcast, and try to write down exactly what the speakers are saying. It may be more challenging than it sounds! You can also practise saying your transcript out loud or even Shadowing.

Good communication is never perfect, and nobody expects you to be perfect. However, putting in the requisite time to prepare will help you deliver a better speech. You may not be able to shake your nerves entirely, but you can learn to minimize them.

Throughout these "Communication Corner" essays, the assumption has always been that most readers use English as their native language. However, there is a not-insignificant number of readers around the world for whom English is a second, third, or even fourth language. Nevertheless, they too must often write and speak in English.

Throughout these "Communication Corner" essays, the assumption has always been that most readers use English as their native language. However, there is a not-insignificant number of readers around the world for whom English is a second, third, or even fourth language. Nevertheless, they too must often write and speak in English.

If you are among the many people who must write in English as their second or even third language, I don't need to explain what a challenge this is. It is immense. In this "Communication Corner" essay, I would like to point out some key aspects of how English works that might be different from your native language. By keeping these key ideas in mind, you can significantly improve how you write and speak in English.

If English is your native language, you are probably already aware of many of these key ideas, but subconsciously. Bringing them to the conscious level can also help improve how you write and speak. So here they are.

Believe me, as a native English speaker, it took me quite a while to get used to this and other strange-sounding pronominal verbs in French, e.g., se demander (to wonder), se doucher (to take a shower), s'entendre (to get along with), se fier (to trust), se mfier (to mistrust). But for me, la pice de rsistance (pardon my French) is se marier (to get married), which if you didn't know better would mean to marry oneself.

The ability to write clearly and concisely is key to expressing yourself in the English language. Writing well gives you the skills to be able to express yourself more fully and effectively in speech. Writing helps you think more logically, which can help you structure your ideas better in conversation. You can practice different forms of writing like reports, essays, and stories that will teach you to write succinctly and fluently.

Having a good writing skill set also teaches you to read critically and understand what is being said in conversation. When you have a better understanding of the language, it becomes easier for you to communicate and make your point in a conversation. Good writing skills give you the confidence to speak clearly and accurately and make sure your ideas are understood by others.

Finally, having a good writing skill set gives you the tools to become a better communicator overall. It encourages you to think more logically and critically when speaking, which will help you express yourself more fully and accurately. Writing helps you think analytically, which gives you an edge when it comes to verbal communication. So if you want to improve your speaking skills, having good writing skills is essential. ff782bc1db

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