Graduate Students

Dae Heon, Ham (함대헌)

- Thesis: Study on Deriving 4th Order Basin GIUH and Improving the Initial State Probability (4차 하천유역 GIUH 유도 및 초기확률 보정에 관한 연구)

Yaggesh Sharma

- Thesis: Assessing the reliability and resiliency of groundwater aquifer systems in Chao-Phraya River Basin, Thailand

External Students


- Kwanghee Han (한광희): PhD program at UNSW Sydney (K-water senior manager)


- Seungbeom Kim (김승범): Masters by Research at UNSW Sydney (K-water head manager)

- Runze Zhang: PhD at the University of Virginia 

- Jiahao Tie (UNSW Sydney, 1 paper in Environmental Research: Climate)

- Wei He (UNSW Sydney, 1 paper in Advances in Water Resources )

- Runze Zhang (UNSW Sydney, 2 papers in Remote Sensing of Environment)

- Bhavik Magan (UNSW Sydney, 1 paper in Environmental Research Letter)