English Learning Students & Families
Welcome to the Weymouth Public Schools! The Weymouth Public School System has a diverse student population. We service students from various countries around the world. Including, but not limited to, Brazil, India, Guatemala, China, El Salvador, Syria, Mexico, Albania, Pakistan, Spain, Vietnam, The Dominican Republic, Haiti, Cape Verde, Egypt, Morocco, Iraq, Iceland, and Lebanon. We, also, support many students who are native to the United States and speak another language at home. Our English Language Education (ELE) program educates our English Learners through Sheltered English Immersion (SEI). In our SEI program, all K-12 classroom instruction, books, and instructional materials are in English. Additionally, all subject matter is taught in English. Our teachers provide intent instruction in listening, speaking, reading, and writing, connected to grade-level content standards. Weymouth Public Schools ELE program is committed to helping students achieve English proficiency as quickly as possible, develop academic and social skills, while concurrently valuing their native language and cultures.
During registration, any student who indicates any languages other than English is spoken at home will be screened to determine if the student is eligible for English language support. Based on this screening, students who are identified as English Learners will be placed in the proper ELL class based on their English proficiency level.