Worcester Wellness

You are well!

Worcester Student Wellness

This site is for the students of the Worcester Public Schools for their personal wellness

Relaxing music by bensound.com

WPS Physical Education Wellness is not only a state of physical health, it is a relationship between emotional stability, clear thinking, the ability to love, create activity, embrace change, exercise intuition and experience a continuing sense wellness. Our mission is for all who enter our doors to take one step closer to this state of vibrant health and well-being.

( from The Alliance Institute for Integrative Medicine )

Take this short quiz?

Do you get exercise? (walk, take the stairs, park far away from the store? take a hike? )

Do you eat well? (nutritious food, throughout the day)

Am I good at something? (table tennis, golf, writing, reading,music,socializing, gift wrapping?)

Am I happy? ( enjoy things? smile? appreciate yourself?)

Am I well?-----Check it out below?

What does it take?

Where are you on your journey?

Look at the "Teen Compass" and find out.

Wellness Compas image