
Curtis Abel

As Executive Director of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (I&E) at WPI, Curtis is responsible for the I&E eco-system, Value Creation Initiative, Maker Space & Rapid Prototyping Lab, MassDigi (Massachusetts Digital Games Institute), and the operations of the 78,000 sq. ft. WPI Innovation Studio.  He joined WPI in 2015 as a Professor of Practice under the Kern Family Foundation grant (KEEN), to create a vibrant innovation & entrepreneurial mindset culture on campus across all disciplines with both faculty and students inside and outside the classroom. 

Farley Chery

Having a multidisciplinary background, he works with students in his specialized area of Technical art and other areas of experimentation like storytelling, and experimental game mechanics. Systems he created have been used in multiple games and films and are a core component of Epic games character pipeline and the basis for ART tools. His courses fuse representation, world-building, and character design; preparing students to be highly productive production artists