You can run it by double-clicking on the shuffleboard.XXX file (where XXX is .vbs on Windows and .py on Linux or macOS) in ~/WPILib/YYYY/tools/ (where YYYY is the year and ~ is C:\Users\Public on Windows). This is useful on a development system that does not have the Driver Station installed such as a macOS or Linux system.

For some reason, the Camera widget doesn't appear sometimes. However, it does work when we drag it in from the side menu of the shuffleboard. Will our only option be to drag it in, or is there some way to make the camera appearing consistent? We did notice there is a method like this:

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Contributions to the library are definitely welcome! To see what types of contributions we may be looking for, and to learn more about contributing, see the file in the allwpilib repository.

Workaround: Manually launch Shuffleboard from the commandline without using the shortcut or script. On Windows run c:\Users\Public\wpilib\2022\jdk\bin\java -jar c:\Users\Public\wpilib\2022\tools\shuffleboard.jar. On Linux or macOS, run ~/wpilib/2022/jdk/bin/java -jar ~/wpilib/2022/tools/shuffleboard.jar

This issue may affect any WPILib java tool, as they use the same scripts to open. If you have issues with PathWeaver, RobotBuilder, or SmartDashboard replace shuffleboard.jar above with PathWeaver.jar, RobotBuilder.jar or SmartDashboard.jar

For Java and C++ a JSON file describing the vendor library is installed on your system to ~/wpilib/YYYY/vendordeps (where YYYY is the year and ~ is C:\Users\Public on Windows). This can either be done by an offline installer or the file can be fetched from an online location using the menu item in Visual Studio Code. This file is then used from VS Code to add to the library to each individual project. Vendor library information is managed on a per-project basis to make sure that a project is always pointing to a consistent version of a given vendor library. The libraries themselves are placed in the Maven cache at C:\Users\Public\wpilib\YYYY\maven. Vendors can place a local copy here with an offline installer (recommended) or require users to be online for an initial build to fetch the library from a remote Maven location.

The vendordep gradle task can also fetch vendordep JSONs from the user wpilib folder. To do so, pass FRCLOCAL/Filename.json as the file URL. For example, gradlew vendordep --url=FRCLOCAL/WPILibNewCommands.json will fetch the JSON for the new command-based framework.

The WPILib old and new command libraries have been split into vendor libraries in order to reduce the chances of mixing the two which will not work correctly. They are both installed by the wpilib installer for offline installation. They may also be installed with the following online links:

When you open Shuffleboard for the first time there are two tabs, labeled SmartDashboard and LiveWindow. These correspond to the two views that SmartDashboard had depending on whether your robot is running in Autonomous/Teleop or Test mode. In shuffleboard both of these views are available any time.

When shuffleboard starts it begins recording to all the NetworkTables values are recorded and continues until stopped by hitting the record/stop button in the recorder controls as shown below. If a new recording is desired, such as when a new piece of code or mechanical system is being tested, stop the current recording if it is running, and click the record button. Click the button again to stop recording and close the recording file. If the button is round (as shown) then click it to start a recording. If the button is a square, then a recoding is currently running so click it to stop the recording.

This setup will automatically discover all camera streams hosted on a roboRIO by the CameraServer class in WPILib. Any non-WPILib projects that want to have camera streams appear in shuffleboard will have to set the streams entry for the camera server.

This plugin handles the connection and reconnection to NetworkTables automatically, users of shuffleboard and writers of custom plugins will not have to worry about the intricacies of the NetworkTables protocol.

Since shuffleboard is a JavaFX application, it has support for custom themes via Cascading Stylesheets (CSS for short). These are commonly used on webpages for making HTML look nice, but JavaFX also has ,support, albeit for a different language subset (see here for documentation on how to use it).

Shuffleboard comes with three themes by default: Material Light, Material Dark, and Midnight. These are color variations on the same material design stylesheet. In addition, they inherit from a base.css stylesheet that defines styles for the custom components ,defined in shuffleboard or libraries that it uses; the base material design stylesheet only applies to the UI components built into JavaFX.

You can verify that the robot program is generating SmartDashboard values by using the OutlineViewer program. This is a Java program, OutlineViewer.jar, that is located in ~/wpilib/YYYY/tools (where YYYY is the year and ~ is C:\Users\Public on Windows). 17dc91bb1f

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