This league creates custom online apparel sales website for each club.
This benefit allows clubs to offset the league cost with merchandise sales. 


Generous Revenue Share (20%!) and No Cost To You ($0!)

Order Fulfillment 100% Done-For-You

Optimized Pricing

Wide Product Range and No Minimum Orders

No Tech


How do I get started?

When and how do I get paid?

Can I change the prices or add discount codes?

Yes, the price change comes out of your 20% of sales, so you can increase or decrease your cut.

How quickly are production and shipping processes? 

Your order will be produced in ~3 days and it will ship in ~7 days during non-peak times. We supply all the items for sale. 

Can I order or submit custom designs?

We can change the items you want to a new logo. Please pursue custom designs through a different source. 

Do I need my own website or domain? 

No, we will set up, change, and maintain your website for you.

This league creates custom online apparel sales website for each club.
This benefit allows clubs to offset the league cost with merchandise sales.