Oktyabrskaya Revolutsiya

Oktyabrskaya Revolutsiya — Soviet Premium Tier V battleship.

Until 1925, this Russian battleship was known as Gangut. Designed before World War I, the ship carried main battery guns that were good for her time. In the 1930s, the battleship was upgraded to receive more powerful propulsion, an advanced gunfire control system, and improved AA guns.

Ship Stats


Health: 33,376

Citadel Protection: 10%

Fire and Flooding Resistance: 10%

Damage Reduction: 12%

Torpedo Damage Reduction: 12%


Bow: 60 mm

Stern: 19 mm

Deck: 50 mm

Belt: 225 mm


Top Speed: 23.34 Knots 

Time to Full Speed: 20.79 s

Max Traverse Speed: 5.80 deg/s

Turn Time: 12 s

Main Guns (305 mm L/52 Model 1907 4x3)

Reload Time: 22 s

Range: 11.45 km

Dispersion Min/Max/Vertical: 132 m / 354 m / 64.80 m

Sigma: 2 σ

HE Damage: 840

Fire Chance: 10%

AP Damage: 1,210

Citadel Chance: 5%

Citadel Damage Rate: 250%

Turret Traverse: 4 deg/s

Secondary Guns (120 mm L/50 Model 1905 10x1)

Reload Time: 6 s

Range: 5.28 km

Dispersion Min/Max/Vertical: 90 m / 210 m / 60 m

Sigma: 0 σ

HE Damage: 269

Fire Chance: 2%

Turret Traverse: 12 deg/s

Anti-Aircraft Armament

Large Caliber AA Damage: 81

Large Caliber AA Range: 3 km

Small Caliber AA Damage: 123

Small Caliber AA Range: 1.50 km

Total AA Damage: 204


Surface Detection: 10.68 km

After Firing Guns: 14.58 km

Ship Skills and Elite Bonus

Precise Aiming I x2

Main Gun Dispersion: -25% for 20 s

Before: 132 m / 354 m / 64.80 m

After: 99 m / 265.50 m / 42.60 m

Cooldown: 75 s

Battleship Modernization

Ship Hit Points: +3%

Small Caliber AA Damage: +5%

Torpedo Damage Reduction: +5%

Before: 33,376 / 123 / 12%

After: 34,377 / 129 / 12.60%

Elite Gun Operator

Main Battery Reload Time: -3%

Main Battery Traverse Speed: +7%

Before: 22 s / 4 deg/s

After 21.34 s / 4.28 deg/s

Ship Play-style

Review from Drake_the_troll:

I have way too many games in her. Between this grinding Nikolai to 100 matches and working on Izmail Bs copper challenge, this ship setup has sort of worn out its welcome, but I've actually had this ship a decent while and never gotten around to her for some reason


nope. You get penetrated from every angle, have no armour to speak of, and you do have pretty  average HP (33.3k) and low TDR (12%), F&F resistance (10% and citadel protection (10%), making you an easy ship to citadel

score: 3/5


Complete drag racer. She has high speed (23kts) but you can't do anything with it because of your slow acceleration (20s), bad rudder shift (5.8°/s) and a huge turning circle (12s). You're extremely easy to punish when broadside, and extremely easy to keep broadside

score: 1/5

main battery

These are surprisingly accurate, able to fire large broadsides (4×3 305mm) that deal a lot of damage (1.2k/840) and have both a surprisingly high citadel rate and fire rate (22s). You do have pretty sucky angles, average range (11.9km) and a slow traverse (4°/s) which makes it hard to hit ships in CQC situations, but you just have to try your best to stay out of those situations

RPM: 24

AP DPM: 28.8k

HE DPM 21k

EFPM: 2.4

Score: 4/5


They do decent damage (269) and fire chance (2%), but have dreadful angles, a slow traverse speed (12°/s), short range (5.2km) and a standard reload (6s) making them very awkward to use at times, plus you really don't get many on each side 10×1

RPM: 50

DPM: 13.4k

EFPM: 2.5

score: 2/5


Give me my PC AA back, where she's an absolute flyswatter.... here her AA is ok, but nothing particularly special

In blitz her AA is deeply mediocre, with stock range (3km/1.5km), and decent damage (81/123), but that cut range really results in you not really doing much

score: 2/5


You don't get any of this either. You're spotted from the moon (10.6km) which makes it very difficult to set up good positions against targets since everyone just avoids showing their broadside to you.

Score: 1/5


2× PA1

While it does increase your accuracy, your long reload means you'll only ever get 1 shot with it which means you'll often hold it to make that one shot count unless you took PA+

score: 3/5


With Gangut at T4 and Izmail at T6, her gimmick is literally just that she's a T5 and that she's a Russian ship that was actually built (though technically she's just a renamed Gangut). While I do think she's rather bad overall, I definitely don't think she's in the utter trash tier like certain other ships I've reviewed in her tier bracket at all. Her guns are decently accurate and she's rather fast, making her great for Derping around in a T5 premium. In addition, while it doesn't factor into my reviews overall scoring, she's a free ship from a mission crate which allows a large number of people to have access to her.

She's very similar to my Izmail review, because she's functionally identical, except you get to bully Ishizuchi and Danae instead of being bullied by Colorado and Nagato.

So what is she good at? I would say long range artillery. Use your speed to get into positions in the backline, then pound the large ships with your large guns and hope that they don't decide to shoot back

* overall score: 2/5*

Historical Info