
Refereed papers as leading author (12)

Refereed papers as co-author (16)

Book Chapters

Conference proceedings (peer-reviewed)

Conference abstract

Impact Factor (2023)

Journal of Geophysical Research - Earth Surface (5) - JCR: 3.5 - CiteScore: 6.3

Journal of Hydrology (2) - JCR: 5.9 - CiteScore: 11.0

Geomorphology (2) - JCR: 3.1 - CiteScore: 8.0

Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (2) - JCR: 2.8 - CiteScore: 6.4

Sedimentology (2) - JCR: 2.6 - CiteScore: 8.2

Nature Communication (1) - JCR: 14.7 - CiteScore: 12.19

Earth-Sciences Reviews (1) - JCR: 10.8 - CiteScore: 21.7

Geology (1) - JCR: 4.8 - CiteScore: 4.66

Progress in Physical Geography (1) - JCR: 4.839 - CiteScore:  6.2

Water Resources Research (1) - JCR: 4.6 - CiteScore: 8.8

Remote Sensing (1) - JCR: 4.2 - CiteScore: 8.3

Scientific Reports (1) - JCR: 3.8 - CiteScore: 4.29

Earth Surface Dynamics (1) - JCR: 2.8 - CiteScore: 5.4

Journal of Sedimentary Research (1) - JCR: 2.282 - CiteScore: 2.7

The Depositional Record (2) - JCR: 1.9 - CiteScore: 4.1

Anthropocene Coasts (1) - JCR: NA - CiteScore: NA

Median Impact Factor (JCR, 2018)

Physical Geography = 2.582

Geology = 1.203

Water Resources = 1.97

Geosciences, multidisciplinary = 2.005

My Impact Factor = 4.572 (21 papers)